Hello. I encounter this problem often. In every a couple of growing some plant's pistils turning to orange colour very early I believe. Accordingly, harvest time comes early too with this plants and they cannot make big buds. Right now I got three plants which is all of those are different fast flowering photoperiod types. They growed very well and developed very thick branches after some trainings. A couple of weeks ago I changed the light duration from 18 hours to 12 in two weeks time. I mean day by day I lowered the light time to 12 hours in a day. After two weeks in 12 hours period they started to become orange fastly. Its insanely early because I was expecting at least one more month to enter that period. I made very succesfull growings before with this setup. I use 500W leds for 1.5 m2 field. This symptom is more common in tall plants. It maybe because of they are getting close to the light. If so I dont have other chance because lights are already on toppest point.How you guys dealing with this? I also dim the lights a little bit so I can make them relax probaby it was working around %80 powered. But it doesnt look like its fixing the problem. What can I do to slow down the process and allow the flowers to grow?
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