Indoor Ming’s Perpetual Fun Grow

Not running in my permanent setup for my first time so I thought I would make it all about the grow start up this time around. Temporary home is a 2x2x4 tent, 3 ufo 135w (84w) LEDs. Sealed room with outside intake and extraction. 3-3 gal trapper pots with 2 Dark Devil's and 1 Green Poison fast version. Permanent grow in same sealed room 10x10. Will utilize sog Auto grow using 4-true double ended 630w cmh lights, co2 with autopilot controller and a Whytner portable dual hose A/C, heat and dehumidifier. Gonna do a journal on it coming up in late November. Lights will be in late this month. This is why I'm using Kindsoil to see if it is truly a water only capable grow.

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That’s a nice space, hopefully in time I can gradually work in larger spaces.
What strain are you growing @Noob420 ? I had did one grow with KS I did it in a 5 gallon just under a led light final yield came out to 97 grams, imma take a seat and enjoy this grow
@KushhhMee I’m growing a Fairy Frost from autoflower portal, and Painkiller XL from Royal Queen Seeds.
Grab a seat and enjoy, I think you may have stopped by at a great time. That’s a nice yield :d5: , did you only use water or other additives throughout the grow?
Painkiller is starting to pick up the pace in growth.
Roots are starting to come through sides of the solo cup and seems to be digging the environment. With the humidity being fairly high haven’t needed much water. Probably between day 3and 6 gave a top dressing of Ewc’s and a little water.

@KushhhMee I’m growing a Fairy Frost from autoflower portal, and Painkiller XL from Royal Queen Seeds.
Grab a seat and enjoy, I think you may have stopped by at a great time. That’s a nice yield :d5: , did you only use water or other additives throughout the grow?
@Noob420 yeah just watered it and kept the ph at 6.5 I worked pretty good only thing is I kept getting burnt fan leaves during flowering, it seemed like a nutrient deficiency but it never affected the buds.
@Noob420 yeah just watered it and kept the ph at 6.5 I worked pretty good only thing is I kept getting burnt fan leaves during flowering, it seemed like a nutrient deficiency but it never affected the buds.

Probably a P deficiency, i got it regularly with the KS. Its manageable with a booster. I use bug up powder but any bloom nute works. Big up is a granular nute, just top dress with it and water it in.
I hope everyone has been doing great.
Everything seems to be chugging along.
With this being my 1st photo grow, think I transplanted to final pot to soon, but seemed to be responding ok. She received her first topping the other day and seems to be responding good.
I have been doing Iliad feeding roughly when the lights come on and then again mid way thru the light cycle.
Foliar Feed:
Alaska fish fertilizer
Dish soap
Bio root.
Since the auto seems to be moving faster than anticipated, so went ahead and germed a fem critical from seedsman.
Hope everyone is doing great. Sorry about the delay in updates but man been a busy few days. Everything seems to be chugging along, not to sure how I feel about the growth. Smell hasn’t been bad at all. She gets watered roughly once a week with 16-32 oz of distilled water.
Also with her not getting the size that I was hoping so I went ahead and germed another photo bean. Critical from seedsman, need to get another order together and get some Mephisto gear and do a side by side soil comparison.




nope a couple foliar feeds, humidity has been in the upper 70’s, so dropped humidity some 50-60%.
I’m more worried of over watering vs under but may water another bottle and see how she reacts.

A good slow soaking of the soil then let it dry won't hurt but you can tell what it needs to drink. It doesn't look thirsty or neglected