Indoor Ming’s Perpetual Fun Grow

The diesel auto is coming along, and doenst seem bothered from her topping.

Decided to add my 250 watt mh to the tent today.That should push me to about 440 watts from the wall. Hopefully temps do not get to high, but i figure as long as it doesnt get over 90 i should be good, so time will tell. I will hopefully be able to convert my led over to about 100 watts of cobs in a couple months.
Everyone seems to be looking a little pale, so will add cal mag to their next feed.
I've been hitting 82 as my air conditioner in my lung room dies. I hope things cool off by the time I have to start another plant I'm not sure I can start up another light right now.
So far while the ac is running in the home the tent sits about 81, but when the ac is not on temps have held at 88, the only issue is my humidity has dropped to 53%, the plants are praying and seem to be digging it so we shall see.
Diesel auto started showing sex:yay:, should be a fun ride here on out.
the critical kush pair is coming along fairl good besideds them still being a little pale. The should have plenty time to get some size on them by the time the auto finishes up.

The WW seems to be on the up and up but is still damn small but hopefully now her root system is building.


Everyone have a safe weekend :smoking:
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Yeah I'd say that white widow doesn't like something. Maybe the pH of the soil or maybe it's just a slight bit too hot.
Yeah I'd say that white widow doesn't like something. Maybe the pH of the soil or maybe it's just a slight bit too hot.
Yea the soil is probably a tad to hot for her, it was feom when i transplanted everyone, i probably should have diluted her mix a little more but she will get a feed in a couple days with a really diluted mix or give her a shot of fish fertilizer, and see how she responds to that.
Another week has come and gone and the girls seem to be progressing. I have decided to raise all my lights up and just let the grow into the light until the stretch is over.
The diesel i think is starting to pick up steam.

The critical kush plants are coming along, this week i started daily feedings for them.
Sorry for the lack of updates but life has been hectic. Dad has been in the hospital for a week recover from having part of his lung removed due to cancer.Another week in the books for the girls. Growth has picked up, everyone is getting really bushy.
The diesel auto is really putting out new growth. I have been defoliating her and in a day or so all growth is back with a vengeance.


The Critical Kush are right around 4 weeks and got transplanted today in 100% perlite hempy 5 gal bucket.
I will start training them around the rim and should have plenty of time for some vertical growth.



Sorry to hear about your dad. Hopefully, it's the beginning of a success story like mine. I had a chunk removed from my lung about six and a half years ago and finally last year my oncologist said I don't need to see him anymore. He just said my cancer will probably never come back.