Indoor Ming’s Perpetual Fun Grow

quick updates, sorry for the lack of updates been supper hectic with the holidays, everyone is growing fairly smoothly besides the gsc and the painkiller clone there both showing the same issues so hopefully will be able to iron it out soon. Due to lack of funds with holidays running around might have to wait til after the new year to get more kind soil and to also get some more dry ammendments. So in the meantime we will be rocking critical and painkiller for a few rotations anyway in 3 gal fabric pots in 100 % coco with alaska fish fertilizer nutes and either tap or distilled water.

the FF was harvested on day 85 and is curing now.

The painkiller has been in flower for 20 days in kind soil and have not had and issues or showing symptoms yet, and still have a sample pack of bat guano for flower supplement if needed. she is getting watered roughly twice a week, just until the container is heavy again. hopefully she will continue to grow well.

Critical has also been flowering for 20 days and is getting a nice skunky aroma fills the air with a hint of fruit when the tent is opened. she is staying short and compact with nice branching. she is being watered/fed every 2-3 days or so, and am starting to add some alaska bloom to the mix (0-10-10).

Painkiller clone is at roughly 30 days and has been topped and lowers have been stripped, going to give a manifold a shot. She was placed in the pot that the fairy frost was in, to hopefully use up the rest of the kind soil. she will be put into the flower tent in about 2 weeks.

The critical Clone is on about day 17 and is starting to grow daily. she will be transplanted in about a week or so to a 3 gal fabric pot with coco.

The GSC is on day 17 and is really just doing her own thing, hopefully everything straightens out for her, until i can get some other autos on the go.

Took another Painkiller clone today from the older clone, and she will be going into 3 gal fab pot with the last of roots soil to compare, and then will be able to to a coco comparison also.
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So I think I figured out my issue with the painkiller clone and gsc.
I was watering the painkiller and noticed aphids coming up from the soil.
Picked up some neem oil, and will treat once get home today. I knew something was going on when I upped cal mag and even did a foliar spray with no avail. This will be my first time using neem oil, is it ok to use full strength as per directions or should I cut in half?
I've never actually done a root drench with neem oil I know people do it and I know it will help with your root aphids. It will also help if you get a barrier on top of your soil something like clay Pebbles or coarse sand to help keep them from getting down into the soil in the first place.

If you have it in your area I like a product called Montgomery spinosad. It's a bacteria that's harmless to humans but will kill anything that has a larva stage so thrips root aphids in the soil any Flyers. You can drench your roots and spray your plants and on the top of your soil with it it's really good stuff. That's what I used the last time I had root aphids and there was only one plant that really suffered all the rest it cleared them up in about 10 days.

Where I'm currently growing
Where I'll be Nov 1st
The crazy thing is all my other grows I have used sand or clay pebbles and I guess it just slipped my mind so on to get this fixed.
Thanks for the help.
I was a little lazy just one time and didn't put the clay Pebbles on top and I got my root aphids. I guess that's the one thing I have to watch out for. I've been scared to death of spider mites because I'm in the middle of Orchard Country and we got mites all over the place, but I've haven't had them yet.

Where I'm currently growing
Where I'll be Nov 1st
Update time :yay: the flowering girls are doing really good, the smells are getting all so amazing of a fruity smell mix with skunk.
I was able to acquire a 4 ft 2 tube fluorescent light that I will be keeping clones under and starting seeds, and also the veg area under the 250 hid light.

The painkiller in kindsoil is really doing well so far I will probably add in some bat guano in the next couple weeks depending on how she is looking. She is def putting out some frost.
I really love her structure, I will be doing a clean up with the undergrowth tonight when lights turn back on.


The critical has been a breeze so far and is getting watered roughly every other day. She def likes to stay short. I am transitioning her over to Alaska fish bloom, she should have one more feed of a mix of grow and bloom and then straight bloom with epsom salt added.


Painkiller clone is finally coming into her own and I think is starting to rebound since the neem treatments.
She will be put into flower at the latest the 18th of dec.

The auto GSC has not shown sex yet so here’s to hoping for a larger girl, and she to seems to be recovering with more steady growth.

I just transplanted the critical clone to 100% coco in a 3 gal fab pot, and will be receiving the Alaska fish fertilizer grow and bloom, and epsom salt.


Hope everyone has a great and safe weekend.

So sorry for the lack of updates but holidays have been really keeping me pre occupied. The garden is still growing and progressing fairly well.
The painkiller (left) and critical(right) have started there 5th week of 12/12 and looks like their starting to swell and smell really good.
These girls are all under 10 inches tall so hopefully they can still yield a couple zips.


Just added a painkiller clone to the flower tent. Hopefully she will get some nice size to her.

Veg section is up and going in full swing
Top right auto GSC, she is about 5 weeks and really slowly showing pistils, so she is def taking her time.
Top left is Critical clone in coco 3 gal cloth pot.
Bottom left another critical clone that has started to reveg and she will go into soil 3 gal cloth pot. Bottom right painkiller clone coco cloth pot, she has had a rough go just like the other painkiller but is now on the rebound.

Clone section is maxed out lol I think that I got a little carried away with clones, but oh well. I will have to have everyone in flower within about 5 weeks, so that will give me plenty time to switch over to start the veggies for summer, and then hopefully we will be back into it with more autos and a couple photos.
Hopefully I can pull at least 2 zips per plant by March to help cover the down time.
My fan leaf disposal unit lol

Happy holidays everyone.