Mephisto Genetics MidIN tackles Mephisto from scrog'd to HST and anything in between.

Grapey Walter

Forum Stomper

Auto Livers

Bubbly Livers

Strawberry nuggets

Sour Stomper

Forum stomper and sour stomper will be ordering several more of these both just blow me away with aroma, my last forum stomper is some of the best smoke I've ever had.
I did try my test nugs of strawberry nuggets and gold glue I took while back and 2 hits from the glue rocked my world, leaned against a gate at the barn this morning for 20 mins just staring at cow shit with a grin day dreaming about how I want the two steer Angus cattle butchered this time. Why I dk but I was lit, and the nuggets got me and the little goats toasted for a nap. @Dabber the Stomper's are going to be a must in every auto run I do. So 18 pack counts are on the list for this week. Ready to run the nuggets outdoors next year in some raised no til beds may throw a crème de la chem in thier also.
Have a feeling after a lil these mephisto are cured and ready for the holidays, I bet I get nominated to host Xmas again at the farm.
Elk is absolutely delishes as is caribou. I can probably make it and looking at my gold glue earlier imagining how strong it was gonna be and that sounds about good.