Mephisto Genetics MidIN tackles Mephisto from scrog'd to HST and anything in between.

Isnt that a heavy stand I have a summit lite I bought to carry and I can barely fit in the damn thing 300 lbs my ass no way someone that big would fit :LOLStoned:
Ya it's about 30 yrs old and been rebuilt about 100 times
Nice work, lovely and frosty.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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@Dabber where ur at do u have to deal with people from suburbs coming out to the country and stealing tree stands. I have these idiots that come deer season are always cruising the gravel roads and dropping a buddy off to sneak in some woods and hunt, yesterday while picking crops I noticed two new paths back to an old stand I have and the path leads right back to a gravel road that has no houses for miles on it. Think it's time for a bear trap or two.
If u havent ran grapey Walter then u should shes a easy run that will surprise pics in a few of some updates.
If u havent ran grapey Walter then u should shes a easy run that will surprise pics in a few of some updates.
Cant wait to see these planning my winter run and looking at these as a candidate :woohoo: