Mephisto Genetics Mephistos and Cobs - Ignorance is Bliss Grow

@hippy71 i just finished about 10-11 weeks of 12/12 for flower. Started a bluetoof the last 40+ days of 12/12. Def not optimal for autos. She’s small but covered in Trichs and stinky. I have another bluetoof that’s been under 19/6 and she should be quite a bit bigger. I still may run a photo one day.

I'm not a fan of the large variance in autos mate. Some small some big etc. One chance to be a good plant and if anything is wrong that's it really.

My Grape Crinkle is so small it actually pisses me off a bit! Old Mr Lizard moaning about long photo grows but at least you pretty much know what you're gonna get if you're cloning. I think I would rather invest 14 weeks into a sure thing than 9-11 weeks into a gamble.

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My days of growing photos are long gone...takes sooo long! I reckon I shave off around 4-5 weeks growing autos over photos :smoking:

See it's dawned on me mate that time isn't my ultimate goal. The best weed possible is my goal. Patience is a virtue they say.

Think I just have to try photos for myself and see if the few extra weeks are worth it to get exactly the weed I want.

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I'm not a fan of the large variance in autos mate. Some small some big etc. One chance to be a good plant and if anything is wrong that's it really.

My Grape Crinkle is so small it actually pisses me off a bit! Old Mr Lizard moaning about long photo grows but at least you pretty much know what you're gonna get if you're cloning. I think I would rather invest 14 weeks into a sure thing than 9-11 weeks into a gamble.

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You get that variance with photos though mate,all depends on pheno etc.ive grown loads of photos and had different sized plants due to phenos.the strain description by mephisto tells you that grape crinkle doesn’t get big,and doesn’t yield great...but top class smoke.
See it's dawned on me mate that time isn't my ultimate goal. The best weed possible is my goal. Patience is a virtue they say.

Think I just have to try photos for myself and see if the few extra weeks are worth it to get exactly the weed I want.

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I think mephisto are as good as photos man,and all the autos I’ve done so far (touch wood) have yielded as much as my photo grows,I aim for 18-20oz from 4 plants,and usually get that...I can see why you want to do photos dude,but I just haven’t got the patience for the long drawn out flowering cycle.
If I was gonna do a photo I would look at the shorter flowering variety. I have a few photo beans and want to take advantage of them. My problem is I’m not really light proof. Don’t want no photo hermie cause some stray light got in during flower. Good luck to ya if u decide to go photo tag me in your grow journal.
You get that variance with photos though mate,all depends on pheno etc.ive grown loads of photos and had different sized plants due to phenos.the strain description by mephisto tells you that grape crinkle doesn’t get big,and doesn’t yield great...but top class smoke.

I think mephisto are as good as photos man,and all the autos I’ve done so far (touch wood) have yielded as much as my photo grows,I aim for 18-20oz from 4 plants,and usually get that...I can see why you want to do photos dude,but I just haven’t got the patience for the long drawn out flowering cycle.

Bold statement mate. Not sure I agree totally that any autos are as good as the best photos. In my experience the photos still win for sure overall. It just can't be changed that to get an Auto you have to cross a photo with a rudy. Controversial to say in this thread on this forum maybe, but I can't see how it can be denied tbh mate. If you water champagne down with water it isn't gonna be the same or as strong. I see ruderalis as the water. Yes it's very convenient that it autoflowers, but it's still compromising the quality.

As for the phenotypes, I don't agree there buddy. Grown from seed, yes you will had a fair bit of variation. You'd have to be fairly insane to keep growing photos from seed though? Find a good one and clone it. No variation dude. Or very little.

And long and drawn out? Take a cutting, veg it for a month and then flower for 8 weeks average. Not really much different to 10-11 week autos dude!

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You got some fair points there,and some I would like to come back to,but I'm baked dude lol.and it sounds dank to me you've already made your mind up on whether you'll do photos or autos.if you been offered some shit hot cuts,take them dude,might not get that opportunity again :pass:
Would a cheap black plastic curtain work to block the light?

As far as Autos go Dutch Passion AutoMazar has a 900 gram (almost 2 pounds) documented indoor grow from one plant and I have done 1.27 gpw personally with autos. I do like photos also. Sativa dominant photo plants do better here in the summer when it is hard to keep the heat down. My next grow will be Wedding Cake BX1 photos. So I guess you could say I feel strongly in both directions :rolleyes1:.
Me too mate! I have been offered two different lots of exodus Cheese cuttings, one of which is possibly Blues or at least very Bluesy!

So tempted to go for photos and autopots with Biotabs but I'm scared! Also not a massive fan of 10 weeks of 12/12!

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very tempting indeed :stir:
You got some fair points there,and some I would like to come back to,but I'm baked dude lol.and it sounds dank to me you've already made your mind up on whether you'll do photos or autos.if you been offered some shit hot cuts,take them dude,might not get that opportunity again :pass:

Haha sorry mate was on one yesterday. Take me with a pic of salt dude.

I haven't made my mind up at all yet mate. Each day the stilton cures it gets better, so decision def not made yet. Like you say there is more time and more hassle with photos, lots more hassle as far as I can tell. But I just have this yearning to grow some "pure" strains. Or "pure" crosses lol.

The one I really want to grow is Channel+ by Medical Seeds. My mate had a batch and it was bloody splendid. Really nice hybrid high, rush to the head but also nice calming body type stone. Also good medical qualities for me personally. Also, apparently the strain has a short veg time and only 7-8 week flowering time, and produces easy rooting clones! I mean I know it's manufacturer garb and all, but that does remove the time issue at least. Probably do them from clones in 12 weeks?

But then there's the hassle of another tent etc. Fook knows!