Mephisto Genetics Mephisto,Sweet and sour, orange diesel, forgotten cookies,alien vs triangle.

Beautiful garden brother!

I cant wait to see how that jammy dodgers comes out,

I popped 2 deez nuggs yesterday!!


Did the Night Owls arrive yet?

Day 44 Starting to smell like my hockey bag in the tent. Lol buds are starting to build.
Drinking lots now and loving the MC, BE.
Not sure if it matters or not but using promix hp.
I know quite a few people who have had issues with Promix HP. Make sure you don't have bugs. Which can cause deficiency type symptoms and hit hardest in flower. Not saying you have bugs, but if you see any then that is most likely your issue. When I used MC, I used 2g per gal of Calmag. That is with RO water and Coco. I see you use Rain water? Rain water commonly has gnats, so again keep an eye out for flyers. Personally you may want to check your rain water source and use Mosquito Dunks as a precaution. It is a cheap and safe way to help if you think you have or could get gnats. Good luck, peacez slowandeasy