Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Sour Hound F2 grow

Was able to sneak into the garden for a bit today. Got to plant my Chemdogging Auto in the last pot as she finally sprouted a tap root. The Narcotic Kush is coming along as well in the second DWC bucket. Also the chemdogging in the other tent is taking off now after a topping a few days ago. Soon we will be ready to start the first of two comparison logs I am going to do with the QB light vs the AutoCob's, there will be this run with the auto's then one with clones for those who feel plants from seed offer no value in comparisons :hump:

Anyhow here's where we are at I am happy with how this grow is progressing especially the DWC.........

AutoCob tent; the big DBC is now 14" tall she's still creeping up on the stretch has not stopped. I need to defoliate her some but will wait until the stretch stops completely and then do it and it will be the final time most likely for her:

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QB tent; if you look back you can see how the chemdogging has exploded after her first topping:

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And the teens of Sweet Black Angel are just LOVING life in the closet in the hydro buckets and under the Citi 1212 6500K AutoCob's:

IMG_20170407_123823.jpg IMG_20170407_124321.jpg

Thanks for checking in :pass:
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Non gardening post.

First wanted to thank @Rebel for his hard work with the Master list of the Badges and getting them out to folks in a timely manner when requested! :thanks:

Second don't know how many soccer fans we have, but trying to get Tix for me and my lil bro to go see ManU vs Barcelona need that tax return to fly in ASAP lol..... :frog:

You're way too kind my friend! It's my pleasure! Thanks for the shout out!!
Very happy with the progress in the garden. I was expecting some trouble today but all is well and I found a surprise.

@mephisto Have you seen or heard of a Deep Blue C F2 before with two heads on the top of one cola?


Pics of the AutoCob tent:


Pics of the QB tent:


And the teens blowing up in veg Holy Hydro! :worship:


Thanks for checking in guys! :d5:
Very happy with the progress in the garden. I was expecting some trouble today but all is well and I found a surprise.

@mephisto Have you seen or heard of a Deep Blue C F2 before with two heads on the top of one cola?

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Pics of the AutoCob tent:

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Pics of the QB tent:

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And the teens blowing up in veg Holy Hydro! :worship:

View attachment 731706

Thanks for checking in guys! :d5:

Fantastic ! Oh boy those buckets are going to explode ! :pass:When I have more time I want to look closer at what your using to pH and what your feeding (just out of curiosity). How'd you feel about your Grow Northern light? Is that who made your cobbs or no ? Congrats on the double "main" cola.

Fantastic ! Oh boy those buckets are going to explode ! :pass:When I have more time I want to look closer at what your using to pH and what your feeding (just out of curiosity). How'd you feel about your Grow Northern light? Is that who made your cobbs or no ? Congrats on the double "main" cola.

How's it going brother. Good to see you drop by! :d5:

Ok for PH I just use GH PH down, I never need the up with my source water and what I am using to feed. Right now I am using Ionic Grow betwen 11-15ml per gallon, Epsom Salt @ 1 tsp per gallon, Hydroguard as recommended (2ml/gallon), and because I have it for use in soil I am also using Ful-Power @ 20-30ml per gallon. When I switch to bloom nutes, I will replace the Ionic grow with Ionic bloom and also add in Hydroplex from Botanicare.

My COB's are from (@BigSm0 ) I have (4) 3500K in one 3x3 and (2) 6500K in the veg closet. The Quantum Board I am running is made by Northern Grow Lights/HLG and that's hanging in the second 3x3.

Think I answered everything let me know if I missed something just got home from a nice Dab session at a friends house. One of few times in my days I feel such little pain.

Question on the double header no one I know has seen it before on a "healthy" plant, should I be concerned? I thought Mephisto would chime in but they haven't.......

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Got a lot of work done yesterday evening in the g' least lot for me lol

In the COB tent I defoliated the Deep Blue C F2 and I am glad I did, down below lots of places where moisture was building so I do believe I helped avoid a possible mold issue.....whew.....but it let's more light in for the buds to fatten now. This will probably be her last heavy defoliation. The DBC in hydro in the same tent was looking like it might have had some light burn last couple of days but after adjusting the light (higher) for a day or two the problem was still present. I checked the res and the issue was with her growth spurt she drank half her res in two days and it caused a big PH swing, so I swapped out the res for fresh nutes tonight (full moon tonight too). The Narcotic Kush is taking off in it's hydro bucket and I am glad she's looking healthy and roots growing in the res already, growing this one special for a buddy of mine.

The Chemdogging form @mephisto did not pop dirt (again) 7 beans and only one to sprout, very disappointed but not upset because they were freebies but damn first time I have ever had so many beans in one pack give me issues and first time with an issue that had the Mephisto name on it........

That being said I am testing out trying to root a clone from one of my teens straight into the soil just to screw around the pot is empty and with the girls in veg I do not want to start another fresh seed.......we will see.......

Pics from the COB tent:


And here is the QB tent, I have gotten the temps under control now and the learning curve with distance to canopy and the Chemdogging that did pop is in here too along with the DBC and she's blowing the heck up! I will say the DBC in here is shorter than the COB tent and is more mature I know she will finish sooner. I am loving the multiple cola's forming now and seeing the plant training take it's place at the front of the flowering show, and the chemdogging well just damn, what a beautiful lush green plant. The buds on the DBC in here are also showing some blue/purple colors it's getting exciting, I had seen pics of colors on the leaves but not much on the buds:


Other than that not much to say, the girls vegging in the closet are happy roots blowing up in the hydro, and I cleaned them up on the lowers some today and yanked the funky fan leaves that had the clone cuts.......basil seems happy too, and the lemon plant I am nursing back to health is coming along well and will go outdoors soon:


Thanks for checking in guys :vibes:
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Hearing only good thing about these genetics, this grow is testament to that

I can tell you Mitch was spot on with the recommendation for my nerve pain and the vape juice/oil using the trim from the SH is just fantastic for me as well. It's also not a beginner strain in my opinion. I cannot wait to grow some more out, but playing with the Deep Blue C F2 right now and a freebie chemdogging..........

That last SH run was my largest with the strain to date. And the flavor in the Organic Soil is off the charts. This bud has cured so lovely too and gotten stronger as it has cured. I didn't break any all time records but did on a personal level. Next time I do grow it will be in hydro so we will see........

Thanks for stopping in :pass: