Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Sour Hound F2 grow

I think I need a break from wax...To!erance is way up. i might start making edibles again, and take a break from wax/shatter. easier said than done.
Seeds sprouted the tap root in the solo cup when I went to check today, so into the paper towel and zip loc bag they went. Hopefully in the next day or so we will be planting into dirt. I will be planting into the final container as I did the last time. Much preferred this.
Seeds sprouted the tap root in the solo cup when I went to check today, so into the paper towel and zip loc bag they went. Hopefully in the next day or so we will be planting into dirt. I will be planting into the final container as I did the last time. Much preferred this.
I have started hundreds of photo seeds in small cups of Coco. However Auto seeds have a harder time in small cups vs directly planting. I will always plant direct with Autos, my directly planted seedlings are far out preforming the ones I started in cups of Coco instead of directly planting into final pots. Around day 7 the seedlings in cups slow down.
I have started hundreds of photo seeds in small cups of Coco. However Auto seeds have a harder time in small cups vs directly planting. I will always plant direct with Autos, my directly planted seedlings are far out preforming the ones I started in cups of Coco instead of directly planting into final pots. Around day 7 the seedlings in cups slow down.

I should have been more specific but I start my seeds in a cup of water then paper towel then to final container.
I should have been more specific but I start my seeds in a cup of water then paper towel then to final container.
I understand now. I am talking about starting in cups of Coco and transferring when they have a decent root system. I usually just soak my seeds in a cup of RO water, but the Toilet Paper method, in a Ziploc on top of my vet tent for 36-48 hours works better. I will not waste my time transplanting Autos, too sensitive. Photos I have zero problems starting seeds or clones in small cups of Coco and they love it. Never skip a beat. Autos are sensitive to transplants. Can slow them down or lengthens total growth time.
Yup unfortunately today I had to take a gamble with the new run and transplant into different pots because the ones I had were not going to work due to SERIOUS drainiage issues, and it wasn't the soil.

So below you will see pics of my next Mephisto Run, I am VERY pleased with my three Sour Hound Phenos and the way they cured and the smoke from it now. Wow! man what a difference a cure makes. I have (2) Deep Blue C F2's going right now. No issues germinating planting etc so far. I will have to check my notes for the date but they should be about a week old. I am going to copy paste here the rest of the info then will add pics:

Each in 10 gallon cloth pots of no till soil with live worms etc etc like my last run just twice the dirt and only two plants. They're in a 3x3 under my 600W Eye Hortilux Blue MH bulb running off of an Eye Hortilux 600W Gold E- Ballast. I had to transplant them today and this was not in the original plans, so I hope they don't get stunted behind too far from adjusting to the transplant. But they went into better dirt, and got a hell of a nice feeding today with fish fertilizer and some Ful-Power. I will alternate feedings like this with feedings using Aloe Vera and coconut powder where I also use the same mix as a foliar with good success. This will be my first full grow beginning to end with this light so anxious to see how it does and expecting some nice colors from the strain giving the breeder pics. I also am growing cover crop that will get cut down as it grows to be mulch for the worms.

I am using the following soil now it came today and I transplanted into it from Fox Farms Ocean Forest that I bought in a pinch to start another grow:

And this is the ful power:

I think that's it for now




My SH has cured over a month in jars now and it's just fantastic. I grew (3) SH F2's in 5 gallon pots of organic soil each. And the two zips of trim are better than most of what I could buy on the street, I cannot say how happy I am Mitch with your help on strain selection because you hit the ball out of the park there, and I can't wait to see what I can do with these Deep Blue C F2, I will run your chemdoggin next run in the auto tent as that's the freebies I got and TY for those. This was from an order last year. I have run your SH 3 times now and every time I am getting better quality with it. I look forward to continuing to run your auto's exclusively as the quality of the smoke is just outrageous (especially in organics) and the yields for the time from seed to harvest is just great. I am trying to beat the harvest from last run but going with bigger pots and less plants per space. Let's see what happens it will be my first strain that's not just green to grow out besides the Dark Devil I did once.

Oh, I totally get the name now because it has a Sour Woody taste but bites like a dog!:frog:
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Got (2) more Deep Blue C F2 dropped into water yesterday, will be going to paper towels in a day or so to finish my germ process. I will be putting these two gals in a second 3x3 and testing a new light, more details to come soon.

The two girls that are going seem to be pulling through after the transplant we will see in a few more days how it goes but right now looks like things are on cruise control. Got some more goodies coming in the mail for the second tent and for feeding the girls.