Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Sam’s Crack - Completed - Dry / Cure

25-26ish Day Old .... February 20th .... Sam’s Crack Update, aka Breaking Free

The love ❤️ training is over ..... she’s formed some nice bud sites and I’m going to let her grow vertical rather than being forced horizontal .....Probably be just a day or two before Cola is the highest bud site ..... Beautiful color / form, looks like a winner!


Recap to Date
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27ish Days - Friday February 22nd

Breaking Free has broken loose of her chains and is now free to grow ..... Her cola bud is almost same height as balance of her ..... Beautiful Gal ....

She is just starting to flower ..... Topdressed with compost and EM1 In her water ... For most part we are done with any training, held her cola bud down until few days ago ..... Just turned on bloom light and moved lights up considerably as initial PAR Reading was way high.


28th Day for Sam’s Crack and 22-29th day for remaining girls .... in the tent we have all Mephisto Strains grown for the Mephisto 2019 Grower of the Year Battle .....

Strawberry Nuggets Top Left with Straw Mulch - Cream Puff was the latest seed to pop 2/6, took awhile to get going but just yesterday she started growing vigorously .... she’s always looked good and never any stress and hardly any training on this girl, she’s a natural ...

Sam’s Crack Top right , she girl came up 1/26 and has been on a tear ever since, she 99.9% chance will be battle plants .... she had plenty of training, her cola bud stretched vertically for about 20:days and training just ceased less than a week ago,, now p I’m thinking her cola will “Grow Up” and suspect it will be huge, main steam thick and she under 30 days old

Bottom Left is Gold Glue and what a wonderful well behaved strain .... Six-seven days of some Love Stretch Training, some of which her cola was gently squeezed shut for 4-6 hours at a time and then released, anyways she is a beautiful plant, best behaved girl in the tent .... As you can see she is praying like crazy and flowers are almost symmetrical ..... While she won’t make the cut for the Battle, she has far and away the most appealing marijuana plant i can remember seeing ..... Supe Nice!

Bottom Right is 3 Bears OG .... She looks real good and another candidate for the Battle and another that had very minimal training, good spread / structure ..... but Sam’s Crack is a runaway winner in this qualifier which ends March 1st, wish Breaking Free good luck and vote for her if she is deserving. Off to a great start.

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28 Days - Evening Pic ......

Amazing Growth, hard to believe in just 28 days, what a monster..... Her root system gotta be getting pretty big, cant wait to see her buds .... Mephisto Sam’s Crack is an unreleased stain so no published info but my guess is about 75, maybe 78 days to harvest .... and if that’s true with as much as 50 days remaining, I may wanna get a larger tent!



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:drool:29 Days ..... Sam’s Crack exhibits EXPLOSIVE GROWTH

Few days ago Breaking Free received some fresh compost, touch of Mammoth P in her water and was spray fed for first time in her life some Thrive.n ..... Amazing results!


Update later same day, growth unreal!:hothot:


This picture taken later in the evening, you can see the growth in just hours, see bud pop up by the hat, just below the cola - cola is top,left eft of hat, cola will soon share hat ....

Amazing .... Spray with Thrive.n looks like it’s working .... She alsolikes the new topdressing of compost or combination, amazing gal.

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Grow has been going very well and I couldn’t be happier with the results but we are always striving for more. I source many things local but also use on KIS Organics, Smiling Phil the Gardner, and BuildASoil, I TRUST them.

Ran across a seasoned grower’s review, dude had KILLER plants - he recommends Thrive.n 15.0.0 in FLOWER STAGE ... Say What - Come Again 15.0.0 in FLOWER are you Flippin Nuts Dude

Here are the results after spray feeding - results were almost instant and plant looked good before but notice improved color and praying .... could be compost and/or wet/dryness of soil on the pray but Thrive.n was a factor, BuildASoil carries - $15 w/ship, cheap .... Yes compost also was applied same time so not a controlled test but I will be testing on vegetables (my mice) if spring ever arrives.

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That is way cool and easy, now just follow feed schedule .....

Watched Guy make bucket, plant clone and fill .... he used a 50/50 vermiculite / perlite which may hold moisture a little longer than 70/30 ..... thinking maybe sub small lava rock for perlite and bingo no issues with perlite floating around but not such how lava interacts with vermiculite? Once I get settled and have some spare smoke I’ll have to give hempy a try!

Nooo don’t do that

I’m having TERRIBLE ph swings due to the hydroton lining the bottoms of my hempys

Take my advice... 80-100% perlite is BEST

that’s STRAIGHT from the mouth of the guy who created them. He uses 100% perlite.

Hydroton (lava) rocks are not good to submerge in your Res

They are not neutral ph wise

Lesson learned, I’ll never do that again :/

My ph goes in at 5.5 and rises to 7.0 in an hour.... fuck lol

I have to water constantly to refresh the res’s with 5.5ph goodness

If I had done it right I could have watered every 2-3 days instead :/

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

THANKS for heads-up ....:thanks:

For sure I won’t do but sounds like a lot of work with those pots ... I use rainwater and it’s around 6.7ish with ppm 23 .... with a Living Soil Grow, ph is not terribly important as the soil corrects .... so long as you don’t have some crazy low or high ph you’ll be fine when growing in true living soil .... Not FFOF or HF with worms but soil built to have life in it.
30 Days Old on Monday, February 25th Mephisto Sam’s Crack aka Mephisto Battle Plant Entrant Breaking Free - Yea I named her, why not, I love ❤️ my girls.

MONSTER Growth beyond exceptions continues and all she has received was a top dressing of fresh worm compost complete it’s worms and some worm food grains and Grokashi / barley, kelp and rock dust and straw 2 weeks ago - then just last week a second top dressing geared towards building flowers and straw mulch again top and a spray feeding of Thrive.n at about 3/4 strength on both underside and top sides, fine mist and allowed to air dry before back under lights ...... EM1 with every water but lighter amounts now and then and some Mammoth P .... occasionally nothing in water but rare if I don’t add EM1 or little Mammoth P .....

PREFLOWER: I believe this is what they call preflower and the stretch is just starting ..... I noticed this afternoon she’s starting to shoot upwards quick, so I believe we are in the stretch phase ..... I’ve got a good understanding of what the plant / environment / requirements but I lack in experience growing this plant for obvious reasons so I’m charting new waters but so far the ship is upright and between the bouys.



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