Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Sam’s Crack - Completed - Dry / Cure

Which beans you thinking? I love the Strawbery Nuggets and I’ve seen some HUGE White Crack Buds .... Nugs is a shorter / wider nicely formed plant with rock hard buds with red in them the size of golf balls!
4AM or 24 Carat, have grown Gold Glue I like short plants myself.
You’ll LOVE Strawberry Nuggets .... Not a real big plant but not small either, nice size and lager than Gold Glue plus Nugs has beautiful form.

Here’s my little Gold Glue, aka Sticky Jane, she’s same age as Sam’s Crack, day or so difference .... doing some training so she’ll grow nice and even, I don’t like to top my girls, rather train .....
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February 18th 7am ... Day 23 .... Removed training tie this am and will let Cola grow natural for awhile, may need a little love later .... Really pleased with growth and the nice form she taken.


February 18rh - 8pm Day 24 .... Breaking Free is looking good this afternoon ..... She got a little compost today along with some more helpers and a little alfalfa / barley meal / kelp for the helpers to snack on ..... When I picked up the plastic mulch cover I noted 5-6 redworms working the top, good sign and some microbe growth on the straw, another good thing, soil conditions good under under mulch / cover,and plant is responding favorably.

Two worms towards center / bottom are mating .... Did you know BOTH Worms will produce an egg capsule every 7-10 days and each capsule has average 4 eggs per .... and we thought rabbits produce a lot of offspring!


Worms from the worm bin(s) ... Red, Euro and African night crawlers? Each species works different parts of the soil .... Africans deepest, Euro’s middle and Reds towards top!

She is not tied down now but I suspect we will hold-down some of the new growth and maybe get more bud-sites to form. She’s coming up on four weeks and time for her to start thinking about building some flower mass is just around the corner.
Beautiful plant my friend, can’t wait to see what mine can do in the Hempy :)

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24-25ish days old ..... Sam’s Crack aka Breaking Free :frog:

Tent pegs hung from branches like ornaments on a Xmas Tree allows lite to bottom sites ..... :bow:

Break’s Cola has been held down and moved as necessary to accommodate growth but has not been allowed to get higher than the canopy :bighug:

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BRO ...... What is a Hempy?

It’s when you grow in a bucket with a hole drilled in it 2” up, and u fill it with 70% perlite and 30% vermiculite

It’s basically half hydro

Cool shit, google it. YouTube is even better

Easiest way to grow weed I’ve ever seen

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YouTube search “Hempy Pot”

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It’s when you grow in a bucket with a hole drilled in it 2” up, and u fill it with 70% perlite and 30% vermiculite

It’s basically half hydro

Cool shit, google it. YouTube is even better

Easiest way to grow weed I’ve ever seen

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That is way cool and easy, now just follow feed schedule .....

Watched Guy make bucket, plant clone and fill .... he used a 50/50 vermiculite / perlite which may hold moisture a little longer than 70/30 ..... thinking maybe sub small lava rock for perlite and bingo no issues with perlite floating around but not such how lava interacts with vermiculite? Once I get settled and have some spare smoke I’ll have to give hempy a try!