Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Sam’s Crack - Completed - Dry / Cure

i have a good few months left till i need to think about what soil to use maybe early may as we have terrible weather in the uk but going by previous years i start them indoors early but i will pick your brains closer to the time and thanks my friend
i have a good few months left till i need to think about what soil to use maybe early may as we have terrible weather in the uk but going by previous years i start them indoors early but i will pick your brains closer to the time and thanks my friend

It is important to start preparing outdoor soil ASAP - if you have a spot in mind I would suggest mulching soil ASAP even if dead of winter of you are going to plant directly into the ground - if doing container plant then no worries you have plenty of time .... what ever the Route, hit me up when ready.
It will be on containers also I can get lots organic compost at my friend's farm it's got lots of horse muck and a lot of other stuff mixed in so would that be a good starting point
Perfect @St. Tom ......

Next thing we want to think about is the container you are going to use - I recommend a SIP (self irrigated planter) container and you can build one yourself or pay shipping to get an Earthbox like I used for Sam and my current grow but from what I understand shipping overseas is pricey ..... growing outdoors in a cloth pot will yield average results but a SIP Container and your grow will be akin to a hydro grow, non-stop partner.
Perfect @St. Tom ......

Next thing we want to think about is the container you are going to use - I recommend a SIP (self irrigated planter) container and you can build one yourself or pay shipping to get an Earthbox like I used for Sam and my current grow but from what I understand shipping overseas is pricey ..... growing outdoors in a cloth pot will yield average results but a SIP Container and your grow will be akin to a hydro grow, non-stop partner.
maybe just some cloth pots and i have a fair few airpots but with the legal issues we have here i need them to be portable and im best going with low smell strains also with the compost i have some other things i could mix and i will let you know once i go in are shed and one more thing i have a big apple tree that has only ever been fed with water mixed in with a load of compost and year in year out its full of apples so im thinking canna may benefit from the same what are your thoughts
maybe just some cloth pots and i have a fair few airpots but with the legal issues we have here i need them to be portable and im best going with low smell strains also with the compost i have some other things i could mix and i will let you know once i go in are shed and one more thing i have a big apple tree that has only ever been fed with water mixed in with a load of compost and year in year out its full of apples so im thinking canna may benefit from the same what are your thoughts

Here’s the deal - portability depends on what you wanna grow ..... important is the size of the strain ..... As when we think about being portable we need to consider total weight of course but also the plant itself and how will we transport - hand carry or a little red wagon or a cart, how to be moved - semi-truck - just how will she be moved and how often as well

Cloth Pots work good outside but cloth design lends them to drying out quicker than indoor but they are easily portable up to the seven gallon size you can hand carry, maybe even 10 but not me ..... oddly that is about the size you want to start with when growing with living soil - 5 gallon will not provide the results i would be looking for but it is doable in another type pot but not a cloth or plastic pot - heck even a 3 gallon can grow a plant but not in living soil - really depends on what you desire from the grow .....

sounds like you have good start with soil - an easy test is how many worms do you see in a shovel full - 10 is good number and I’ve seen 15-20 in some fertile soil but apple tree is happy and lots of fruit so yes, good starting point ..... what we want, unlike coco grows in fact the opposite, we want to let plant select what it wants to eat - so we offer her a smorgasbord of options - she always selects the right food in a LOS grow .....

talking portability and expeditions?
holy fucking hell :worship:wow ive just been talking to my other pal @Splitty37 and he mentioned this plant and im so glad i checked her out also you know i grow in coco but he was talking about your grows with soil so when i pop a few girls outdoor this year i may want to pick your brains also thanks so much for all the support on my grows you have given me i dont feel i thank you enough :bighug:and i will keep checking back on your newer adventures

she’s a beauty aye @St. Tom! :drool: :drool:
Perfect @St. Tom ......

Next thing we want to think about is the container you are going to use - I recommend a SIP (self irrigated planter) container and you can build one yourself or pay shipping to get an Earthbox like I used for Sam and my current grow but from what I understand shipping overseas is pricey ..... growing outdoors in a cloth pot will yield average results but a SIP Container and your grow will be akin to a hydro grow, non-stop partner.
+1 on the SIP. Mine worked extremely well last summer - problems with the grow were not the fault of the SIP.

Lots of designs for SIPs including easy DIY. I used this design in two of these: I put two plants in each, and they grew big, ~ 4 feet above soil in spite of topping and training. If I used the planters for weed again, I would change two things. First, I would mulch either with plastic as the earthbox does or with other dry mulch material, and second, I would let the reservoir empty completely for a while before re-filling with nute solution. My soil stayed too moist because I did not let the reservoir dry out, leaving the soil surface moist most of the time, resulting in or at least encouraging the evil gnats.

SIPs work really well, so don't hesitate to try them out. Large ones like I used should work really well with LOS. Mine worked fine with pro-mix and three part nutes. Good luck with your grow. :goodluck:
+1 on the SIP. Mine worked extremely well last summer - problems with the grow were not the fault of the SIP.

Lots of designs for SIPs including easy DIY. I used this design in two of these: I put two plants in each, and they grew big, ~ 4 feet above soil in spite of topping and training. If I used the planters for weed again, I would change two things. First, I would mulch either with plastic as the earthbox does or with other dry mulch material, and second, I would let the reservoir empty completely for a while before re-filling with nute solution. My soil stayed too moist because I did not let the reservoir dry out, leaving the soil surface moist most of the time, resulting in or at least encouraging the evil gnats.

SIPs work really well, so don't hesitate to try them out. Large ones like I used should work really well with LOS. Mine worked fine with pro-mix and three part nutes. Good luck with your grow. :goodluck:

I mulch and put a plastic cover over my SIP ...... Plastic cover is vital, even outside so as not to get rainwater into mix, you want to bottom water and the cover helps conserve water as well - it plays an important roll - I tried tomatoes outside last year without cover and only mulch and I had issues with grow but then it was in a tall 5 gallon bucket too but rain goofed it up - good luck with your grow.