Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Sam’s Crack - Completed - Dry / Cure

Thank you Fish ..... Wow ...... Thanks! :pass:

Next grow think I’ll do White Crack, why not stay in the Crack Family?:crying:

This AM I shut down lights and two days darkness before we harvest!
White Crack is WAY frostier than Sam's Crack. If you decide to make Rosin, thst is a Strain for it. If you need tips, pm me. I only use Rosin for personal about 97% of the time. It is great to make edibles with. Sam's Presses good, but White Crack is top tier Rosin production. Peace slow
Final Pic before chop - Like Day Number I F__King forgot and too loaded to figure .....

Anyways final pic before chop chop chop ..... Glad she is done ...... Smokes good but we still drying and curing so no real smoke report but she is a sticky girl and early morning smoke leaves wife and I starring for a few.


Some huge branches, shoulda got big garden snipers - ones I use on tree branches

Cutting below soil line was a challenge ..... Soil and worms still alive - Will keep tending Container and feeding worms for a month or so, amend soil with nutrient pack that has all kinds of Organic Food like kelp, neem, Karanja, barely, crab meal, etc and I’ll let that sit for a bit and new plant roots will follow old roots while worms eat old drying roots and fertilize the new plant - from my readings 2nd plant will grow even better than first, we will see - White Crack will be next grow.


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Final Pic before chop - Like Day Number I F__King forgot and too loaded to figure .....

Anyways final pic before chop chop chop ..... Glad she is done ...... Smokes good but we still drying and curing so no real smoke report but she is a sticky girl and early morning smoke leaves wife and I starring for a few.

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Some huge branches, shoulda got big garden snipers - ones I use on tree branches
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Cutting below soil line was a challenge ..... Soil and worms still alive - Will keep tending Container and feeding worms for a month or so, amend soil with nutrient pack that has all kinds of Organic Food like kelp, neem, Karanja, barely, crab meal, etc and I’ll let that sit for a bit and new plant roots will follow old roots while worms eat old drying roots and fertilize the new plant - from my readings 2nd plant will grow even better than first, we will see - White Crack will be next grow.

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With the really big plants, when I start the next round, I offset the next seed to the side of center a bit, so the new seedling has some space below it. Just a couple inches, so it isn't trying to grow right into the old roots (or whats left of them). My reasoning on this, is I don't want the plant to feel like it has felt out the pot fully and start flowering, when it hasn't.
If you let the pot chill for a month as described, there prob won't be much left.
Nice grow MOB. Can't wait to see the 2nd round in that container!
Sam’s Crack Smoke Report

Last night, wife and I twisted up our first real “kinda cured Sam’s Crack” ..... I say kinda cured first real joint as Sam was just cut a little over a week ago and she barely dried let alone cure ......

The night was wearing on and Cubs had just won in walk-off fashion ..... we were buzzed anyways but we smoked about 60% of that Sam joint before we decided to go to bed .... We both thought the smoke was good but biased opinions and night was late, Cubs Win, what was not to like ....

Fast Forward to AM ..... I’m up at crack of dawn, do a few chores and hit McDonald’s - Back Home I see that half burnt joint in the ashtray and think I’ll fire up and take a hit or two but then think I’ll twist up a new one and just see waz up with dis smoke ....

Oh, forgot to mention, wife and I ( love her so much ) anyways we discovered scissor hash and that stuff is killer - wife ran dried frozen leaves thru some screens and scraped scissors and got a ball of gummy hashish substance and it tasted like some red hash we had years ago and it blew our minds, we stopped smoking after few hits, it’s dang good ....

I didn’t finish the jay and gotta say I’m impressed with the results but I say that with an *asterisk* as ALL our Samples of our half cured @mephisto smoke has been very good and much much much better than the commercial street weed I’ve been buying for years and years .....

Once we get balance of the harvest droid and trimmed will give weight report but I’ll say this, we DID NOT BREAK the POUND Barrier with her, unfortunately - While the buds were plentiful the weight per bud mass was low when compared to Gold Glue, 3 Bears and Strawberry Nuggets ...... But then I learned a lot from this grow and my next grow I have a few changes planned and I will break that elbow mark .....

I barely had enough room to dry 4 oz last time. I can only imagine you must have buds hanging up every where stinking up the joint.

It was challenging but fortunately previous owner had a walk-in closet in a spare bedroom with wire racks that served the purpose well ..... Thanks so much brother for following .... Will return in awhile and attempt another grow .... will be growing inside a new tent with a few new ideas .... Will hit ya up, meanwhile I’ll be watching your Grows .... Peace, OB

With the really big plants, when I start the next round, I offset the next seed to the side of center a bit, so the new seedling has some space below it. Just a couple inches, so it isn't trying to grow right into the old roots (or whats left of them). My reasoning on this, is I don't want the plant to feel like it has felt out the pot fully and start flowering, when it hasn't.
If you let the pot chill for a month as described, there prob won't be much left.
Nice grow MOB. Can't wait to see the 2nd round in that container!

Copy that GroBro .......

I’ve removed all top dressings and top two inches of soil and then added some amendments including kelp, crab meal, alfalfa, neem, Karanja, etc and then I put compost over and then topped with some mulch and covered entire container and mulch with plastic and will keep in garage until ready for next grow monitoring the moisture and food for the worms - which there were plenty of those guys .... I need to keep alive for a month or so before new grow and I’m changing locations so some challenges but I believe what my mind can conceive it can achieve so I’m going for it ...

Sinse, am I on the right track?

No clue why upside down?
awesome results OB, will stay tuned for more on the smoke once cured some more.

get us some bud porn to drool over when convenient too, friend. :greenthumb:

Hey Frost thanks for checking out ..... Sam is still cure phase and not ready for camera ....

I grew four plants for the Mephisto GOTY - Sam’s Crack, Gold Glue, Strawberry Nugs and 3 Bears .....

Some Buds from Gold Glue Plant

Flippin Coated - Mephisto Rocks

Been smoking since 1968 - Old California Hippie - I’ve experienced some killer including the legendary Colombian Red Bud, Lebanese Hash, Honey Oil and Tia Stick and other exotic strains and with exception of the Red Bud this personal grow ranks best flippin weed ever and the scissor hash we got from Sam reminded both of us ( 46 years married ) of Red Bud taste we both love and that was 1976-1984 range, then it just died when the “without seeds weed” came!

Hey Frost thanks for checking out ..... Sam is still cure phase and not ready for camera ....

I grew four plants for the Mephisto GOTY - Sam’s Crack, Gold Glue, Strawberry Nugs and 3 Bears .....

Some Buds from Gold Glue Plant
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Flippin Coated - Mephisto Rocks
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Been smoking since 1968 - Old California Hippie - I’ve experienced some killer including the legendary Colombian Red Bud, Lebanese Hash, Honey Oil and Tia Stick and other exotic strains and with exception of the Red Bud this personal grow ranks best flippin weed ever and the scissor hash we got from Sam reminded both of us ( 46 years married ) of Red Bud taste we both love and that was 1976-1984 range, then it just died when the “without seeds weed” came!


Very, very well done man! It was an interesting story that you wrote here on Afn. Will follow your future journeys as well!

@All don‘t forget to vote for this awesome guy in the current contest ... I will for sure! :cool1:
Very, very well done man! It was an interesting story that you wrote here on Afn. Will follow your future journeys as well!

@All don‘t forget to vote for this awesome guy in the current contest ... I will for sure! :cool1:

Killer appreciate the Vote .... OldBoy wants a piece of GOTY!