Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Sam’s Crack - Completed - Dry / Cure

You should show the bottom so it can be verified that there is only one main stem and that it is truly one plant. I am not saying that I don’t believe you but I don’t want you to run into any problems with a beautiful beast like that you should be proud. This is DWC correct? She is loaded up too there are buds everywhere !!!

Hum, there is a post showing stem and cut and then stem in the compost tray back a few posts .....

Also, if you look thru the grow I believe you’ll clearly see just one plant bro .... daily updates to like day 51 and anyways I am too flippin old to do anything but the right thing .....


Hum, there is a post showing stem and cut and then stem in the compost tray back a few posts .....

Also, if you look thru the grow I believe you’ll clearly see just one plant bro .... daily updates to like day 51 and anyways I am too flippin old to do anything but the right thing .....



Tell you what, I'll settle this definitively - send me some flower from the top, middle, bottom and sides - I will thoroughly validate genetic consistency ;)
Tell you what, I'll settle this definitively - send me some flower from the top, middle, bottom and sides - I will thoroughly validate genetic consistency ;)

I’ll do that - send SASE to

420 Smoke Drive
StonerFreedom, USA 420-420
Killing it bro! I don’t think I have seen anyone else attempt this with a 15 gal smart pot. Are you going to put another plant in that same pot and soil? I would imagine it would be even better than the first run. There should be plenty of nutrients for another plant with a good top dressing and tea to kick it off. Did you use SST’s too?@MrOldBoy
@MrOldBoy how do you like the SCD BioAg it seems to be about half the price of EM1 and same formula too I think EM1 is magic in a bottle the numerous uses make it a multi tasker ALLSTAR!!!
If you guys are into EM1, check this link out for making the easiest Lacto B there is. Way simpler than all the other recipes and techs I have seen out there. I always have a jug of it going.
link to lacto life
I Use EM1 as well SCD BioAg ......

SCD used for years in the garden ...... Per Smiling Phil the Gardener SCD is his first choice if he could only have one product for his garden ......

SCD was originally EM which EM stands for Effective Management .....

SCD or EM1 is added to almost all waterings in small amounts ....... even mammoth P I use but never at same time ....

@BISCUITS for sure using same container to grow again ..... changing locations and it will be a few before I fire up again and may not until mid-summer, not sure of timing yet ......

Container Size I do believe sizematters to a point, more so with photos than autos but having said that I also believe, in our minds, we limit the container size .... we trick ourselves into thinking more containers means more plants and higher yields ..... personally I reason the larger the container equals more food for plant and less work / watering for me and hopefully larger yield and it seems to be working, especially with a larger auto .... I don’t think a quick auto like sour livers would benefit from a 15 gallon but a 10 gallon I believe is correct choice for that girl whereas White Crack can use 15 gallon and Ripley’s Og even a 20 gallon ..... these are just thoughts, no side by side tests - no university study to backup, just Stoner Science!

Killing it bro! I don’t think I have seen anyone else attempt this with a 15 gal smart pot. Are you going to put another plant in that same pot and soil? I would imagine it would be even better than the first run. There should be plenty of nutrients for another plant with a good top dressing and tea to kick it off. Did you use SST’s too?@MrOldBoy

What are SST?

Will incorporate teas into next grow but no teas used this grow ..... This is my second indoor grow - Well kinda my second, I attempted a few over the years but not serious like this grow.
What are SST?

Will incorporate teas into next grow but no teas used this grow ..... This is my second indoor grow - Well kinda my second, I attempted a few over the years but not serious like this grow.
SST are seed sprout teas. I sprout blue corn, blend it when it grows a tail and water in. You can use any seed that you can get to sprout. Alfalfa is another real good one.
The most famous SST is probably malted barley tea. Buy malted barley at a hobby/ homebrew beer brewing store. You want a pale malt, like 6 row 2L. Place 3-4 tablespoons of malted barley in a coffee grinder and make powder. Then add to a gallon of water and bubble for 2 hours, then apply as a soil drench. Most folks just prefer to put the finely ground malted barley as a sprinkled on top dress, then water it in. Its also great to add some to a soil mix, and I also add it to the worm bins when I make bedding.
Nice job, started germing a SC on Tuesday.

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