Wow Roasty, BIG THANK YOU for the looks and likes

@Organic Sinse pretty much covered the bases, Sinse has both knowledge and practice in place .... He, like me I’m sure, grew tomatoes before we grew marijuana and our love for the soil and planet earth are shared .....
But I do have a few Questions, if you care?
What size / kind of pots?
What kind of amendments did you add?
What was base for mix ... ie 1/3 this plus 1/4 that plus???
Did you add EWC, if so source?
Environment and control of that environment?
And probably the most important question, do you have a passion, which I suspect answer is yes - most who go LOS express passion .... Passionate or even desire to wanna grow the best available, LOS it it ..... I’ll take on a Hydro Grow any day, especially if taking blind taste test, LOS Rocks .....
Feel free to ask anything - anyritime ..... there are no stupid questions but unfortunately lots of uninformed people!
PS .... BTW Breaking Free DOES NOT have a cover crop, but my other two plants do ..... When I remulch - Top Dress, I carefully go around crops but some not lucky so I just sprinkle some new seed and not worry, worms will eat them up, not that much to think about any reactions.... Now for bugs, none experienced yet, knock on wood.
Best of Grows and follow this grow, I will have dry weight ...... Looking for over an elbow but I’m crazy too!