Skylar White day 42 and lookin pretty dandy :dancer:

It's new on their site so not many people have tried it yet. I just recently ran a non mephisto strain in it and it did excellent the whole grow. No additives other than molasses two times the whole grow and she'll be coming down Monday. I just started three mephisto strains in it but they are still baby's 7 through 21 days old. But what I can say is it did wonders for me. For the past year I've had phantom deficiencies and weird issues and my purple kush that was in the super soil did not have one deficiency the whole grow she's just now yellowing but that's because it's the end of her cycle. It's definatley worth it that's all I can say.
Thank you so much for this info!! It sounds like it went well for you. Did you yield a lot? Only reason I ask is possibly it could be good for smaller plants 1-2 oz but if a plant turns huge 5-7 oz you may need additives. Like a 600w gavita might do stellar things, but over a 12x12 not so much. I also read extra bat guano can be used. Currently in feeding 1800ppm every 36 hours which is about 10 times my last run. It's just one of those Things where an experiment may be due but not a whole grow. You rock lamlegend
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It's new on their site so not many people have tried it yet. I just recently ran a non mephisto strain in it and it did excellent the whole grow. No additives other than molasses two times the whole grow and she'll be coming down Monday. I just started three mephisto strains in it but they are still baby's 7 through 21 days old. But what I can say is it did wonders for me. For the past year I've had phantom deficiencies and weird issues and my purple kush that was in the super soil did not have one deficiency the whole grow she's just now yellowing but that's because it's the end of her cycle. It's definatley worth it that's all I can say.
When you grew with the super soil what kind of lights did you use it seems when using led you need to add more calmag during grow with super soil you didn't have to give anything other than molasses. I just bought some super soil and next grow I will be testing it out. And if you used led I am new to them so I just want to do a small grow with them before I put in main grow room. Do you think two marshydro 300w in a 4x2x6 room with just two plants will be good I most likely will be trying toofless alien with the small led grow.
When you grew with the super soil what kind of lights did you use it seems when using led you need to add more calmag during grow with super soil you didn't have to give anything other than molasses. I just bought some super soil and next grow I will be testing it out. And if you used led I am new to them so I just want to do a small grow with them before I put in main grow room. Do you think two marshydro 300w in a 4x2x6 room with just two plants will be good I most likely will be trying toofless alien with the small led grow.
I have 2 average plants under 2 Mars 600's about 7 inches away and no issues at all. The actual wattage is below 300 so they aren't very intense. As for super soil and calmag I'm sure Epsom salt would work with this
I have 2 average plants under 2 Mars 600's about 7 inches away and no issues at all. The actual wattage is below 300 so they aren't very intense. As for super soil and calmag I'm sure Epsom salt would work with this
Thanks man for the info. It's weird I used to grow with t5 lights and it seems I got bigger yeild and plants then I am with my first led grow. I always used hps but due to heat output and high bill I can no longer use them. It kinda makes me want to go back to my t5 and cfl lights if this led grow don't start fatten up these buds. But next time I am gonna try the super soil and maybe led one more time.
Thank you so much for this info!! It sounds like it went well for you. Did you yield a lot? Only reason I ask is possibly it could be good for smaller plants 1-2 oz but if a plant turns huge 5-7 oz you may need additives. Like a 600w gavita might do stellar things, but over a 12x12 not so much. I also read extra bat guano can be used. Currently in feeding 1800ppm every 36 hours which is about 10 times my last run. It's just one of those Things where an experiment may be due but not a whole grow. You rock lamlegend
I didn't chop her yet I will next week but it's definatley not a six ounce plant lol it's probably more around 3.
And idk about bat guano but I know he recommends using earthworm castings Maybee that's what you meant. I added earthworm castings in with it as well. But if you look at GBD's grows he has some heavier yeilding bigger plants he's the one who created the super soil and has been using it for a while. He has some stellar grows with it as well.
When you grew with the super soil what kind of lights did you use it seems when using led you need to add more calmag during grow with super soil you didn't have to give anything other than molasses. I just bought some super soil and next grow I will be testing it out. And if you used led I am new to them so I just want to do a small grow with them before I put in main grow room. Do you think two marshydro 300w in a 4x2x6 room with just two plants will be good I most likely will be trying toofless alien with the small led grow.
I also use led and I believe this go around the molasses had enough calmag to keep me covered. With that being said every strain is different and I might need calmag in future grows but this time nothing was added. Either way though adding just calmag is a lot easier then mixing up 20 nutes lol. I haven't really grown with just Mars hydro before and I don't remember the actuall wattage of the lights but that should definatley produce decent plants. That is a big tent though so I would keep the plants and lights closer together for maximum coverage.
I also use led and I believe this go around the molasses had enough calmag to keep me covered. With that being said every strain is different and I might need calmag in future grows but this time nothing was added. Either way though adding just calmag is a lot easier then mixing up 20 nutes lol. I haven't really grown with just Mars hydro before and I don't remember the actuall wattage of the lights but that should definatley produce decent plants. That is a big tent though so I would keep the plants and lights closer together for maximum coverage.
Thanks man for the info it's highly appreciated. Yea I get so tired of mulling up nutes all the time this super soil will be a huge time saver for me. And if it works how they say it does it will be a every grow thing. If you have any tips for led grows let me know all knowledge is good knoweldge.