Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Grower of the Year 2019

Pests .... we talked about pests and bugs many times .... While I’ve had no real answers I knew healthly plants don’t get bugs ...... Well guess what, that info is correct ....

Today I bring knowledge to share ...... It was by chance I ran across a tool called the Brix Meter ..... A what, a Brix Meter .....

Brix Meter measures amount of sugar in a Plant or anything you can turn into liquid ..... Example was carrots and how sweet are your carrots ..... they take a piece of carrot and cut some off, smash carrot to get juice and measure sugar in the juice ..... if it measured over 12, it was considered a sweet carrot ......

Farmers use a Brix Meter to tell when a crop is ready, OldBoys May taste but newer Farmers. use Brix Meter .....

How can we use in our Garden .....

Well it so happens Pests attack plants with sugar levels below 12 ...... in one example they had Japanese Beatties attacking their and plant sugar was at 9, they knew solution was to get sugar in plant up/over 12 .....

How Much is a Brix Meter ..... Under $20 growers ....

Under 3 minute video .... I ordered one today from amazon, be interesting to know the sugar levels .... also maybe a good tool for,those taking clones, photo growers .... just thinking out loud.

i think having fun and learning a thing or two each time is the most important thing to growing weed , i see people try way too hard and thats when problems ussally happen ,it aint rocket science , smoke a bone and have some fun

anybody have updates , im voting for for the fourm stomper guy as of now , love the look of that plant

Agree and one of the biggest issues I see and DID MYSELF was how many plants can I fit into that space .... I think if we just concentrate on growing a few to their max rather than a bunch of 30 gram jobs, growing is easier and more rewarding

My knowledge, piece by piece has exponentially grown since joining AFN
i think having fun and learning a thing or two each time is the most important thing to growing weed , i see people try way too hard and thats when problems ussally happen ,it aint rocket science , smoke a bone and have some fun

anybody have updates , im voting for for the fourm stomper guy as of now , love the look of that plant

Not an update but here’s a preview of some sugar being developed by a The Rising Bud Porn Star, Breaking Free ... aka Sam’s Crack .... Hope this tides you over til more updates come thru bro ....

Excellent Post .... Interesting about the Pheno Types ..... I saw that in the Strawberry Nugs, most are fat and short but I had one that grew more like a Clyde’s Ripley but not that big but a more normal plant ..... good stuff ....

Apologies if I disagree with Same Tent / Environment Idea .... Don’t wanna get into a shouting match but I bring back to post a link from .edu to help back the post .... While many can produce a web page that states, this is a University Study, not some sales page to buy their whatever ....

Same Tent: While I agree it can be done, question is how do you measure?

You know, it’s your bud? Hey If your happy, don’t bother to waste your time reading ..... I have nothing to gain and you won’t either .....

Myself, I’m committed to achieving optimal growth ...... RH / Temp preferences change as they age .... in human life that happens too .....

Having your VPD out of wack leads to other issues such as pests and diseases...... below is a link to study on VPD .... note the extension on the url, .edu, t is from a university......

VPD is oh so important and something I had no clue and often wondered when I walked into greenhouses .... noticed some greenhouses where humid while others were cooled by AC .... now I understand they were controlling their VPD as they needed the best condition for those plants, otherwise their livelihood was trashed ....

Here’s that Michigan State University link


Ohhh, I definitely don't want you to think I'm the "drag this out" type of person, or that I even care to argue lol. I'm not that guy at all. I'm definitely a "to each, his own" type of guy. I respect all views. But because this site is full of new growers, I like to try to play devils advocate every now and then and challenge certain statement, so that both sides are represented. Id hate for a newbie to read that post and think that they "can't grow top self" if they are running perpetual, because their environment is "compromised", or because they don't own a VPD monitor.. Because it just isn't true, lol. There are thousands of us doing it. I guarantee you that you won't find an og growers from back in the 80s that gave 2 cents about VPD, lol. Does it matter? Yes. Is it legit? Proven? Yes.. Vital? No.. VPD is not cannabis specific, and doesn't account for the "flower stage".. So a VPD chart will tell you that at a temp of 77degrees, your RH should be 70-80% to be the the good range for VPD. Personally, I wouldn't run anything close to that rh in a tent with flowering plants. But to each his own. You can have the environment as dialed in as Nasa, with a perfect VPD, the perfect par, light height, music playing in the backround, cover crop, fancy grow bags, cobs, co2, ect. and still get a short, ugly, low yeilding plant, or a dud seed, or mutated leaves, or mold or gnats ect... lol. It's more genetic than environment is all I'm saying. We (as in auto growers) buy a 3 pack of seeds, grow them out and think for some reason, we've seen the complete progeny and know exactly what to expect from that strain in the future.. or we complain about a single runt or slow growing seedling, lol. In the photoperiod world, we pop 10-15 seeds at a time, and expect plenty of variations in growth/look! Then kill off any seedling that we have an issue with, just hoping to get one or two decent plants out of 10-15. They also understand that you'll most likely have to go through more than one 10pack of seeds to find that stellar pheno. Popping seeds is a crap shoot. It's definitely a more pheno oriented world on the photoperiod side. That mentality just hasnt crossed over into autos yet. We expect to pop 3 seeds, and get 3 amazing plants, lol. Which is actually craziness on our part when you really think about it, lol. Just think about how many phenos Mephisto sees, and passes on, before they find that ONE that they like enough to breed with. All of the factors matter to some degree, but it starts with genetics and KNOWING the genetics your growing, imo that is. Lol.
Interesting stuff about the VPD, though as the name suggests it's all about pressure. If you can't accurately pressurize your room then there's no effective way to influence this metric. Without some serious modifications to my grow I think temperature, RH, and observation are still the best environmental factors to control for me. I'll be looking into this further though, but I still don't think this has anything to do with my limited success with this breeder. In looking at @ClydeWalters pictures I realize that most of my Mephisto girls are completely normal, and taking into account what @Prophetiko said about phenotypes that I shouldn't be expecting consistent results. I've just been spoiled of late as all the fastbuds, sweet seeds, bomb seeds, dinafem, g13 labs, world of seeds, barney's farm, and short stuff autos I've done have all grown better and more consistently than anything I've found in Mephisto so far. Just my personal experience, but I think there's something telling in the fact that I've had success with every strain from every other breeder except this one.
Ps. You are all CRUSHING IT! Whether you're growing in a million dollar facility, or in a $2 mop bucket in your closet! No matter what your plants look like or how much they yeild, you've all taken back the power and control of your own medication, and placed it into your own hands! And that my friends, is a flawless victory!
@Prophetiko ..... It’s all good ..... but just for the record the VPD Chart DOES NOT say 77 degrees and RH 70-80% when in Flower, that is incorrect interpretation of a chart, chart was misread or not understood .... for veg yes but flower at 77 degrees depending on stage your RH should be in the 50-55% range not 70% .....

@jb_moviefan ..... Pressure INSIDE the TENT is NOT what they are referring to, rather the pressure on the leaf due to the humidity and temps levels and the transpire of the leaf ..... as temps increase humidity can as well as warmer air can hold more ....

Understand that the leaf sweats and that humidity much disparate or we get mold and other issues in our buds ... When Vapor Pressure from Humidty isTOO Great the leaf cannot transpire so what happens the food the plant is uptaking is not being processed - now we have a nutritional issue, so we give it some XXX for whatever we think it has ..... well ok, I’m done here, sometimes things are best left to themselves .....

Anyways AFN it’s all good!


Tent Pressure is referred to as Positive/ Negative Air Pressure, don’t take my word, do a search! :drool:
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@Prophetiko ..... It’s all good ..... but just for the record the VPD Chart DOES NOT say 77 degrees and RH 70-80% when in Flower, that is incorrect interpretation of a chart, chart was misread or not understood .... for veg yes but flower at 77 degrees depending on stage your RH should be in the 50-55% range not 70% .....

@jb_moviefan ..... Pressure INSIDE the TENT is NOT what they are referring to, rather the pressure on the leaf due to the humidity and temps levels and the transpire of the leaf ..... as temps increase humidity can as well as warmer air can hold more ....

Understand that the leaf sweats and that humidity much disparate or we get mold and other issues in our buds ... When Vapor Pressure from Humidty isTOO Great the leaf cannot transpire so what happens the food the plant is uptaking is not being processed - now we have a nutritional issue, so we give it some XXX for whatever we think it has ..... well ok, I’m done here, sometimes things are best left to themselves .....

Anyways AFN it’s all good!


Tent Pressure is referred to as Positive/ Negative Air Pressure, don’t take my word, do a search! :drool:
can you please post a VPD chart that shows temps and rh ranges for the flowering stage of cannabis, or one that shows a suggested temp of 77 and a rh near 55 being in the good range? I'd love to see that. No VPD chart I've seen has taken the flowering stage of cannabis into account.
It’s all in how you grow.

All my first Mephisto’s were ALL small.

But now I have some MONSTERS

but I have some teeny tiny ones too

It’s down to genetics choice, and method of growing. Ur plants could be staying small for a hundred different reasons. Overwatering usually being the most common reason.

Check it out


My Sams Crack In the back right corner is going to be the largest plant I’ve ever grown

Mephisto gave me that one for free

My Ripleys has a couple ounces on it already and there’s still a few weeks to go ;)


Those buds are Super Dense

But then I have runts like this


The genetics match up with the descriptions tho :/

Best of luck to you!!

Alien VS Triangle is their highest THC/one of the best yielders

Ripleys OG is their tallest strain

Sour Crack is the fastest strain
I just stuck one in the closet for 48 hours of darkness before harvest today actually

Little small but I’ve already harvested one, sour Crack plant a week ago, and it’s the best smoke I’ve ever ever grown.

That’s all I can say really :/ it might be a TOUCH hit or miss with the phenotypes... but my GOD the quality is absolutely unmatched

Cheers Mephisto

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I want to see more pictures, this looks too yummy. Can't imagine the smell
Solid, like the way the one plant looks, what appears, to be purple buds ......

Get a new phone, nice pics Clyde!


They are. That’s my 24 Carat under my QB96’s

Good stuff!!

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I want to see more pictures, this looks too yummy. Can't imagine the smell

Smells like heaven in there. 10 diff strains

8 of them Mephisto ;)

More pics later

My DWC plants are MONSTERS “Sams Crack”

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