Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Grower of the Year 2019

My Ripleys is SUPER wierd. And allot of that droop if just OLD nitrogen toxicity which DOES NOT fix itself. It will always stay curled. Only new growth will grow correctly.

But yes, I use a meter.

The issues I’m having are DIRECTLY related to MegaCrop 2.0

Which I have discontinued using

Highly recommend AGAINST MC for autos

It is far too Nitrogen heavy.

Photos maybe, but ALL OF MY AUTOS absolutely hate it.

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Idk mate. Im a have to disagree with you on this one. A lot of using MC 2.0 in much higher quantity and strengths and your the first Ive seen mention nitrogen toxicty. Not to mention, any time Ive seen over applied nutes it burns the tips of the leaves first. Your dealing with droppy leaves. Id lean more towards over watering or maybe a root issue but I doubt that if its a group of them. Im also pretty sure MC 2.0 didnt change the amount of Nitrogen since version 1. So if version 1 worked fine version 2 wouldnt be the cause.
Their at 22”

That’s completely acceptable for this late in Flower.

1000ppfd is the golden mark, and I’m 200 below that.

Your seeing over watering, and phosphorus deficiency on the Sour Crack in the back (middle)

And on top of all that, every single plant I have except my 24 Carat has claw leaves from N Toxicity which is why they all curve downward except new stuff

Not saying ur wrong, just saying I’m 100% positive it’s not my lights.

Hence lifting them 8” showed no better results.

Kinda gotta roll w this one :/ 22” is a bit further away than most people flower at with other lights

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In my honest opinion, that is definitely not nitrogen toxicity. Nitrogen toxicity starts with dark green lower leaves and the dark green works it way upward. The clawing from ntox is one of the last things to show. Your plants do not look to have any sings of ntox.. A nitrogen deficiency, maybe. But definitely not ntox.
In my honest opinion, that is definitely not nitrogen toxicity. Nitrogen toxicity starts with dark green lower leaves and the dark green works it way upward. The clawing from ntox is one of the last things to show. Your plants do not look to have any sings of ntox.. A nitrogen deficiency, maybe. But definitely not ntox.
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I agree and believe It is a combination of Light intensity/Spectrum and nutes/water. Of course we could also look for bugs. But by looking at the spectrum in my own 4x4, the extra Red Diodes are playing a role in nutrient up take in a Super Orange Haze I have going. It is THE ONLY difference from the rest of the plants, lighting in my 4x4 has an old California Lightworks Bloom light and some Cobs. My other areas are Cobs only and the plants are perfectly fine. I noticed in the past when I had some MARSll lights, that some strains were effected by the spectrum and feed. I had N Tox like sypmtoms in one Strain and none of the rest.
Idk mate. Im a have to disagree with you on this one. A lot of using MC 2.0 in much higher quantity and strengths and your the first Ive seen mention nitrogen toxicty. Not to mention, any time Ive seen over applied nutes it burns the tips of the leaves first. Your dealing with droppy leaves. Id lean more towards over watering or maybe a root issue but I doubt that if its a group of them. Im also pretty sure MC 2.0 didnt change the amount of Nitrogen since version 1. So if version 1 worked fine version 2 wouldnt be the cause.
Typically you do see burnt tips if you over feed. However, excessive N can show itself without burnt tips. Rams horn and Dark Green leaves are the main symptoms. However, light enduced stress or different spectrums can alter the plants needs and create deficiency or to like symptoms. I have seen it more than once and always with Colored diodes in my personal cases. I moved my plants from White Light Cobs to a mix of Cobs and Bloom spectrum. When I moved those 3 plants, A couple days later I got the Claw on 1 plant. All 3 plants look darker in that area, so clearly the spectrum is effecting the uptake of N, the plants are taking more N in under the Red spectrum.
I’m tellin ya, I have about 6 plants I can photograph right now that show full blown dark green super claws Ntox city

If you rly need me to do that lol

Hooks and claws.

My lights I’ve grown other plants with, the red spectrum is not causing my clawed leaves on ten different strains at the same time.

That’s like statistically impossible for ten different strains of weed to exhibit the same exact problem almost th same exact way,

I hear what u guys are sayin, but it’s not the lights. Every single plant was 100% fine UNTIL I started to feed them the 1/4tsp MC2.0

That’s all

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My soil plants are the best example, but my hempys shoe slight Ntox too. The beginnings of the dark green buildup in the tips of the fans. It’s only happened after feeding. For almost a whole month each plant got just plain water for 25-30 days.

Then feed. Then Ntox.

Their just sensitive for whatever reason Autos choose to be sensitive

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Boy this 3 Bears Strain packs it on, can you believe this Girl on January 30th and today .... So from first set of true leaves to buds forming nicely in 38 days, remarkable .... BTW this plant is sensitive to light, it can’t handle near the Light Strawberry Nugs can ..... if you seeing bleached leaves or leaves with tips turning inward, light is probably issue, too close ..... Just thougid throw that in .... anyways hard to believe how fast they hey grow

1/30 Pic

3/8 Pic ... so 40ish days from sprout to nice buds forming .... Says a lot for Mephisto Genetics
I’m tellin ya, I have about 6 plants I can photograph right now that show full blown dark green super claws Ntox city

If you rly need me to do that lol

Hooks and claws.

My lights I’ve grown other plants with, the red spectrum is not causing my clawed leaves on ten different strains at the same time.

That’s like statistically impossible for ten different strains of weed to exhibit the same exact problem almost th same exact way,

I hear what u guys are sayin, but it’s not the lights. Every single plant was 100% fine UNTIL I started to feed them the 1/4tsp MC2.0

That’s all

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I'm just going by what I'm reading but has anything else changed recently temp. Or humidity? They look a little waterlogged or overwatered. Are you getting a good dryback in between waterings? Calmag could be the issue but I'd need a picture of the leaves out of the tent under normal lighting. Are the veins in the leafs discolored? I had similar problems when my humidity was to high and the plants didn't get to transpire any water bc there was to much in the air witch led to many tox/def issues. But you know your grow better than me I'm just making a educated guees from what I've gathered from one or two posts. Also what's your water supply tap/well/RO. And have you done a runoff test to see what's the ppm and ph at the rootzone? The ph and ppm there might be a whole diffrent story than what your feeding her. I do runoff tests weekly to see how much my plants are eating that way I can see if their unhappy and not eating what they should. I mix up to 4 diffrent nute solutions a day bc the plants differ so much even the same strains.
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