Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Grower of the Year 2019

Update 5? Deep blue c f2

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My preference would be the five gallon pots, minimum ... I’m using seven gallons that have a lot of rock in them and then we add compost and fertilizer and mulch so anything under a five doesn’t work well .... This girl is in a 7 gal with about 4.5 gallons of dirt, rest drainage and mulch space .....

So I share how I care for the soil/worms in my LOS Grow ....

pics of adding compost, worms, GoKashi, Pinch of Malted Barley for the worms and some straw mulch .... Watered with Rainwater and EM1 ..... Today she also got a spray feeding of Thrive.n and BuildaBloom at 1/2 dose - Spray was underneath leaves as well as top of leaves with buds themselves avoided, pinpoint spray, sat in dark for an hour under light fan and circulated around and under to make sure she was dry ....

Back into the tent she went,1 1/2 hours work on her but now she just gets EM1 p, mammoth P and some buildabloom in her water ..... in another 7-10 Days another spray of Thrive.n and more compost / worms and pinch of gokashi and straw, rinse / repeat couple more times!

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That’s it, let the plant and worms figure out what they need, don’t worry, they got it!
I have been looking at these organic methods, and especially with straw as cover, are you not likely to get some but infestation? I recently had to battle spidermites and I am scarred for life and scared they will try to come back (or something else will come instead)

I have been looking at these organic methods, and especially with straw as cover, are you not likely to get some but infestation? I recently had to battle spidermites and I am scarred for life and scared they will try to come back (or something else will come instead)

Hi Karl,

Yes a concern but not an issue ..... Only second grow so I’m learning / watching for those devils ..... but the results with Organics are just too good to not,learn how to deal with them ......

Clean room is number one defense and healthy plants help combat but in the event of bugs I’m sure I’ll lewrn how to combat with things such as beneficials and Neem Oil, etc .....

For me, trying to figure what the plant needs and when it needs trumps the bugs ....

Seeing so many grows go south because they didn’t add the right thing or too much or whatever, that drives me nuts and I have no clue on what she wants ....

I rather grow plants like this Strawberry Nugget and take a chance on bugs than deal with what my Girl wants to eat .... Having background in the garden, dealt with outdoor bugs often and we just outgrew them outdoors but indoors is different, I’m sure I’ll discover ...

Here’s a podcast, The Bug Lady, an hour long, and they talk about IPM - Integrated Pest Management

Organics Rock - Strawberry Nuggets - 33-34ish Days Old and she hasn’t had a drink of any kind of magic bottled nutrient - Why would I grow any different?

Not trying to rain on your grow, just anytime my mephistos were short and budded like that i found bugs. You may want to check dirt. If reusing like I was fresh dirt is in order.

Thanks for the heads up...soil is fresh, all others in the same batch of soil doing good.
could be Pheno?, or the fact she was over watered hard and struggled. Out of the three girls, this one suffered the worse . Actually surprised she made it this far.
It had a rough start, Im not sure where it is in its internal clock, I assoum its going to veg out but cant be certain.

Looks like she’ll be fine, give her some time - Gota grow some legs - Bet in a day or two she will double in size!