Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Grower of the Year 2019

Just a reminder that Week 5 updates are going along with picking your Battle Plant you'll be finishing this grow battle with. If you've posted and I missed them let me know as I've been under the weather and trying to keep things updated.
@Padawan1972 @the green bandit @jb_moviefan @Archaic @Kya Knight @Rwg111 @Hypathetical Gardener @MrOldBoy @IzzyTheGrower @slowandeasy @Cotton46 @bluntz @Weedstress @ColoradoDreaming420
I always update on Thursdays, so I will pick my plant tomorrow with my updated pics. Good luck everyone
Cool Beans .... Question what if a grower wins both first and second legs, would they have two spots or would a runner up take the second spot? Not saying it will happen but possible - Just Curious?
If you place in the 1st Leg battle you are automatically into the Finals and don't really need to enter again in the 2nd Leg so you can enter in one of the other 2nd Leg battles if you'd like. Some do like to enter and run in both legs just for fun.
Just 3 more members to post up their week 5 updates and we'll all be good.

Also if you check the 1st post of the thread and see your name without PLANT Choice below please let me know so I can get it updated.
Trying to do my best so bare with me as I had emergency dental work and broken jawbone so I haven't been on the last few days but think I'm all caught up for now.
Sry bushy, i feel your pain. I can't handle jaw or teeth pain.

Week 5 Update

Mephitso Battle

So this White Chem is officially my Mephitso battle girl. She will be referred to as Chemmy going forward. It was actually a tough choice as both this girl and my Northern Cheese Haze recovered well from the early over watering, and have dark beautiful leaves now. Chemmy, despite being a little stretchy, should have the bigger buds and ultimately be more photogenic.

Chemmy Day 45

Excuse the Ntox on the lower growth

I’m not so sure about that MegaCrop... I’m not sold.. yet. Too much N I think... for Autos anyways I mean

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