Using Happy Frog or any Fox Farm soils and your symptoms = Bugs. I would start there, knowing your choice of Medium. Anyone reading this with similar symptoms, buy some Quality medium instead of that garbage. Just being honest. You may think it is something else, but I am confident Happy Frog is your issue. Look for Root Aphids or gnats in your soil. If you have any. Chuck your left over Happy Frog and your plants. They won't do well and will keep bugs multiplying.
Agree with the bugs but they do come with my grow .... IPM is important .....
But what I don’t deal with are the deficiencies and vicious cycle of add this or that - no add those to your water, oopies added to much or too little, round and round you try to grow .....
F__k that I needed something else, something I could put my hands into, something the the plant can get food from and

OF or HF wasn’t it, I could see that when I opened the bag, it was just peat moss and some junk they called organic, yea right, my worms couldn’t live in it, did I tell you I raised worms before I grew weed, I knew what good compost was, I was an outdoor gardener, I knew rich soil and

OF or HF wasnt like my garden soil, I knew that yet, silly me, still tried to go the bottle /

OF path, silly me, sigh, wasted time and money, live / learn .....
But I’ve seen folks with great plants using

OF and HF and just plain coco .... I grew junk with those methods, it wasn’t for me, i just couldn’t get them to grow right .... I aged my soil, i did this or that it just didn’t work ....
I wanted only the best, at this age u r kinda picky and grumpy too they say, sorry if I offend anyone that is not my intent, anywyas ......
then I discovered I could bring 40+ years of outdoor garden skills inside and do LOS and it changed my Grows a Flippin Zillion percent ..... Who knew years of playing with outdoor garden soil, mulching leaves and playing with worms and horse poop and rabbit poop, getting coffee grounds from StarieBucks would pay dividends such as this .... Organics kick butt!