Still waiting for my beans to pop. Might be a little cool in my tent. Rockin 21-22C right now. Thinking that might be my issue right now.

Sent from my red IBM Selectric
wait for at least three days Raoul before you start digging. My Blue toof popped after 4.
Seeds really are the cheapest part of this game, , find what works for you nine times out of ten , your laughing, I have had to pick the helmet of everyy one of my Zen seeds , their fault? Doubt it I put it down to the light soil I use :biggrin: this is life:cheers:
exactly, if dem sprouts make it through the first maturing phase of de-halmeting, well hot damn we got a live one. :crying::smokeout:
Comrades -

Avt day 1.


tis what it tis. I had a bitch with my Gold Glues got tails and 4 of them failed to thrive. MBAP's and BlueToof no issues. Again i think it was an environmental thing for my beans. Took a while in transit in the South August/July.
I had 12 mbap 4 germed and green but stayed same size for about 4 weeks then I started to give em the stink eye, week later tossed em. 2 didn't germ the other 6 germed but didn't come through soil. I don't know what the deal was. I'm not saying it's their fault, but it wasn't 100% mine I'm sure. I used my own mix on some and some I used promix out the bag. Use distilled water first 2 weeks. I dunno it it what it is. I had 100% sour livers, sour hound, deep blue c, and northern cheese haze. Only had 60% survival with the NCH though. O well shit happens. Let's hope the gods bless us all in this comp and others.

On a side note here's 2 AvT day 1.

Double grape day 1.

Fantasmo express day 1. Took top view so you could see the green on one. Tape was on side where green wasn't visible.

That's it for now folks. Hopefully the rest will be above ground tomorrow, fingers crossed.
Thanks man. It is my private space, my refuge as it were. Behind the bench are two 4x4 tents and my cloner /drying rack space. Under the bench is my mother/nursery cab 2x4x4, I think you can see the light is on in the picture.
Being a good bit ADHD I keep something on in the background like the TV. Actually it's a PC monitor, fire-stick, and some homemade speakers. I binge watch TV shows, currently NCIS. Nothing you have to pay attention too, stupid TV stuff like that.
I am just delighted my beans have popped. We are on our way now!!
My lady and I trim to NCIS each time we chop, its still running from chopping the Meph testers. :smoking:
Look what I found in my garden this morning. My MBAP beans have hatched!!!!

And my lab looking all clean and sparkly.
Hey bud, you obviously use Nectar For The God's lol on the chart they use, seed or clone it calls for 1tsp of each Medusa's magic, Gaia mania, and Zeus juice. How early have you used this? When I pre wet my soil for a few beans I used it. Nothing has died yet. Figured I'd ask you, looks like you've got experience with the line. This is my first time. Lol Thanks I appreciate it boss.