Well, in my case, these seeds are a few years old, so ill take the blame... yes, if i had just bought these seeds, id be pissed...conversly, fresh seeds this round had 100% success.., i had some not even crack the shell, put those under a lamp to give em a bit of heat
This year; the worst was finding GTH bag seed from my medical supplier. tried to use the meph tek that has usually always worked; them suckers didn't even germ, few had a tail after 72hrs but nothign ever broke the soil after 7 days... such disappoint
Your response is helpful and exactly what i would have said until up to about two months ago because i never had a bean not germ or thrive! Are you starting to feel us? Everybody has a foolproof method until they don't. My library is full of books on how to do this stuff. My grow room has a thermostatic heating mat. I had been %100 for over a year and a dozen or so plants from three or four different breeders. I feel for @stepside because he is me and i suspect we are everyone else. if it hasn't happened to you yet, it probably will. Just be accepting of us non talented germers!
all works till it doesn't! hahahah then we are pissed and slightly intrigued, thus begins the hunt looking for answers.
Your response is helpful and exactly what i would have said until up to about two months ago because i never had a bean not germ or thrive! Are you starting to feel us? Everybody has a foolproof method until they don't. My library is full of books on how to do this stuff. My grow room has a thermostatic heating mat. I had been %100 for over a year and a dozen or so plants from three or four different breeders. I feel for @stepside because he is me and i suspect we are everyone else. if it hasn't happened to you yet, it probably will. Just be accepting of us non talented germers!
Hey Gauge, I feel you bro! Just sharing my experience in the hope that it might be useful to someone as I've benefitted immensely from information in the forums even just as a jumping off point for further research
Hey Gauge, I feel you bro! Just sharing my experience in the hope that it might be useful to someone as I've benefitted immensely from information in the forums even just as a jumping off point for further research
Like i said its helpful and full of fact! thanks. No malice here.

"sharing friendly knowledge" is our motto. your welcome at Gauges backyard fire anytime! (bring weed)
Seeds really are the cheapest part of this game, , find what works for you nine times out of ten , your laughing, I have had to pick the helmet of everyy one of my Zen seeds , their fault? Doubt it I put it down to the light soil I use :biggrin: this is life:cheers: