Ok everyone, my weekly update for the comp is here, she is going wild absolutely bonkers! Her nugs are ping pong to golf ball size and growing every day. She shook off that slight def and is rolling full steam ahead to the finish. I think there is still a few weeks to her (like 3-4) to see just how fat she can get, and how much she can truly pack on. Without further delay here are some glamour shots of my piggy @wwwillie @Ripper
The frost is stacking on pretty heavy, and now the branches are beginning to show a need for support, the ones that aren't tied up yet


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@wwwillie chemdogging update.

Well this big girl had to slow down in bud growth because she is making seeds, ya i decided to pollinate a couple lil branches to get some chemdoggin pollen.
so i got a heap of seeds coming also i had to defoliate and i didnt get to feed her all week so she ate all the goodness out of a couple fan leaves instead.


heres what one my other girls looks like, chemdogging.... not my entry plant tho :

Update: @wwwillie

Day 52. The little experiment I have going is showing me I was correct. I need to recharge it everytime. This lady was running out of nutes a bit early. I topped off the soil with a couple cups of vermicompost and gave her some water. She is darkening and finishing. She ripened up quickly.

Strong scent of grapes coming out of the tent!!


Enjoy. :pass:
Hey Bro is there a reason that plant is only wet around the center? kinda new to this looking nice can use a few pointers.how long do you wait till full pot waterings?Thanks!!
The LST wires make it difficult to not get nutes water on plants, I use a hand pump to get water on top of the roots, so it don't pour out the side of pot. I try to keep top dry to combat fungus Nats, it's wet under that dry layer.
This is my second go at indoor, I water every other day if pots not heavy. Growers love
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I might be dropping out. I don't know what is going on with my double grape but buds are under developed as all hell. She's frosty as hell. Haven't looked yet to see if there's a slower developing pheno but something definitely don't feel right about this.
I might be dropping out. I don't know what is going on with my double grape but buds are under developed as all hell. She's frosty as hell. Haven't looked yet to see if there's a slower developing pheno but something definitely don't feel right about this.

Dont drop out. You could have a pheno thats different but in the end everyone wins good smoke!