Wk4 starts tomorrow, og Ripley. @wwwillie
I cut err lightly.
A tent shot of sour bubbly runt.
:smoking:--- It is indeed, it unquestionably helped save a FUBAR situation I had last season with the KindSoil grow with outdoor photo's, and the P source in it pissing out right at the worst possible time, during initial bud set! I had to go to synthetic right-now available PK sources to speed it in there and try to improve bud quality (lack of P makes for smaller flower clusters, airy-leafy bud),...Between the MP and the nutes I used, it helped a great deal to save the bud quality on most all of them,.... Here's the deal: Mammoth P is not a typical broad spectrum soil inoculant like Recharge (excellent stuff!) or Great White, etc.,... Mammoth P is a specialized bacterial suspension that focuses on P and micronutrient cycling and availability, and that's it,... no fungal (myco') biotics in there, trichoderma ssp., none of the myriad other bacteria that help breakdown other tough components like cellulose, specific types of organics compounds, that sort of thing,.. to compare MP and other inoculants apples to apples is a pointless non-starter argument- :doh:...
Well Put Waira.:pass:
:jointman: quite welcome mon! Are you doing organic? --think so, if I recall rightly,... yeah, MP is given at all times on my girls! I lean toward running very fast photo' strains for outdoors, so there's no time to monkey-f*ck with nutes,.. in fact, I had a Sweet Crystal Candy this year that finished bloom in under 6 weeks! This is almost as fast as their F1FV line-up- :coffee:- amazing speed... ditto for the DP Think Fast (also a "semi-auto" F1 cross),.... As for OF products, they are the real deal goodness! Dinesh is a wizard, and a fine man to boot,... The Transport is the key product, and it's applications for toher things is another huge advantage to have in your grow0tool belt! I use it for micronutrient defc. treatments to great effect, speeding recovery by several days,... huge, when dealing with immobile nute elements which most micro nute's are,... Dinesh says it also helps with pesticides, as it seems to cut through the bugs' natural water repellency and increase exposure,... this year, with mold wars, Transport + ATAK has been a crushing weapon against the botrytis,.. a spray on the clean-out mold site, and it's stopped cold! :amazon:

>>> pops- :rofl:-- it's a longer term commitment than many realize,.. my ball python it almost 30! ... got him in '89,...:biggrin:
Quality advice and info @Waira :smoking::d5:
:rofl:you said ball and python in the same sentence!!:haha: Did i mention I have a puerile sense of humor...did I?:vibe::crying::frog:
@wwwillie My update willie . Don't like to bring up a thorny point but how many players do we have ?? There doesn't appear to be as many updates as when we first started out . I thought that you had to make a weekly update . @Ash-a-Ton No bondage here you savage you . :nono:
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I did not expect this !! I know for you experienced growers this is not unusual but for us novices it's a frigging bonanza .:yay: 7 Mephisto Creme Bubbly + 1 Berry Bomb
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Ive been looking at these to add to my cob frame-www.solarcure.com
I really like that the bulb has a built in reflector, and theyre not crazy overpriced. Tons of info on there. I dont remember how it came up, but as i was researching uvb diodes, i saw that theres a nintendo emulator running zelda breath of the wild stable on pc...spent the rest of the day configuring that...i dunno if any of u guys are into games, but i always end up buying a nintendo console for the Zelda games, then never use it again since they have no other appealing titles since they stopped the main Metroid series, though theres gonna be a prime 4 apparently. I miss Metroid.
Anyway, im pretty sure the uv can make a difference, 6 years ago i wasnt into growing, but found a plant growing by an abandoned building, i transplanted it and brought it home, and put it on 12/12 under a 150w metal halide, some uv reptile bulbs, and a depression sun lamp with the uv blocking cover off. It was probably just a scwagg seed from someones blunt, i didnt really expect anything but fun growing it. I got a half oz, it was alot more potent than i anticipated, i think it was from the uv. Maybe.
@1939bear, i have a creme bubbly thats close to harvest, ill post a pic, when i grow it again, im gonna put more attention on pruning and defoliation, it has super tight nodes and really thick leaf coverage, just a heads up, i think it would have been better accomodating that, lots of light was blocked. You can see its pretty bushy, i did alot of defoliation, but the inner part didnt get good light. It might be better to not lst that one maybe

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@wwwillie My update willie . Don't like to bring up a thorny point but how many players do we have ?? There doesn't appear to be as many updates as when we first started out . I thought that you had to make a weekly update . @Ash-a-Ton No bondage here you savage you . :nono:
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I think lots of peeps do their updates on the weekend. Bout to do mine later today!

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I used to use the same gel technique when breeding begonias when i used to have a garden and it always worked out for me.......might just have been luck

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My friend owns an aquarium shop, he had all these big acrylic sealed boxes with gel cloning dishes and a co2 tank, he showed me how to do it, it was really cool. I had an ebook on that before my old phone died, i should look for that again. I need to get more organized and disciplined with my projects and prioritize them, but i would like to do that. Also, when you mentioned begonias, it reminded me if this time me and my buddy were digging up his moms flower garden for some reason...she ran out the door and screamed "MY BEGONIAAAAAS!!!!" hahaha every time i see begonias i can hear her lol she had a really funny old lady voice

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