I know what yu mean man, i usually don't take a slurry unless the girls look bad etc following the charts and upping the herc as I go so far so good... I also feed with recharge every other feed just to help with ph and ppms keeps things in check, I bet your girls are starting to get that dankness smell to them mines are and i can't wait smoke em up lol

Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk
What is recharge? I thought it was mycos. Well. I could just look it up...but, for the sake of discussion ill not delete this lol.
I am completely mind blown by the mbap growth. Im going to do a comparative grow without the photosynthesis plus, or i might just do a strain im familiar with, ive seen all the sour stomper phenos, i think i could tell if it was more than just normal dwc growth. I feel like im creating a perfect environment for the photo+ bacteria and accelerating growth, but it could just be a giant mutant. I really wanna figure it out, ill switch over to all dwc using this method if its whats working

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Im pruning off some of the inner branches, but bud development looks fairly cosmopolitan (cosmopolitan??), even on the lower buds. U was gonna say "looks fairly even, even on the.." but that just sounds silly.

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It could be DWC, but there are some certifiably beast genes in these girls. I'm in soil, soil mind you, and mine is just shy of or prolly over by now 40 inches. Soil! All three of them are great but the one... They are all flowering now too. Are you using photo plus every feed? I'm like every third with mine. I'm also using the other three in the sample pack as well. Also using Mammoth P.



adjective: cosmopolitan


familiar with and at ease in many different countries and cultures.

"his knowledge of French, Italian, and Spanish made him genuinely cosmopolitan"

synonyms:worldly, worldly-wise, well travelled, experienced, unprovincial, cultivated, cultured, sophisticated, suave, urbane, glamorous, fashionable, stylish; More

informaljet-setting, cool, hip, styling/stylin'

"a cosmopolitan audience"

including people from many different countries.

"immigration transformed the city into a cosmopolitan metropolis"

synonyms:multicultural, multiracial, international, worldwide, global

"the student body has a cosmopolitan character"

having an exciting and glamorous character associated with travel and a mixture of cultures.

"their designs became a byword for cosmopolitan chic"

(of a plant or animal) found all over the world.

Nope, doesnt fit lol i thought it meant similalrly occuring universally

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
It could be DWC, but there are some certifiably beast genes in these girls. I'm in soil, soil mind you, and mine is just shy of or prolly over by now 40 inches. Soil! All three of them are great but the one... They are all flowering now too. Are you using photo plus every feed? I'm like every third with mine. I'm also using the other three in the sample pack as well. Also using Mammoth P.
Yeah, it could just be the plant, this is my first dwc. Im using alot of it every feed, i didnt notice any change in thr coco plants with it, but the mbap just exploded when i started it. Im probly using 10ml per gallon or more, i just give it a big splash since i have a bunch and only use it for this. Whether its working or not, it feels good to believe i stumbled on some secret grow method hahaha. I guess thats why snake oil has been so popular throughout history, not that im saying it is

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Amen Brother!!
I think I blew through $400.00 on these juices! See how much Mammoth P costs! Krikey.
But it's all good, we growing some beautiful ladies. Can't wait to sit down and enjoy the fruits of our labors.
Amen Brother!!
I think I blew through $400.00 on these juices! See how much Mammoth P costs! Krikey.
But it's all good, we growing some beautiful ladies. Can't wait to sit down and enjoy the fruits of our labors.
Lol yeah, i usually go on a nutrient spree after a harvest, probly blew about 300 at least haha i dont worry about that, it pays you back ten fold to reinvest. Even if it didnt, id still do it, its a great hobby and very interesting. What do you think of the mammoth p? Ive been considering it, but it is super spendy

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
What is recharge? I thought it was mycos. Well. I could just look it up...but, for the sake of discussion ill not delete this lol.
I am completely mind blown by the mbap growth. Im going to do a comparative grow without the photosynthesis plus, or i might just do a strain im familiar with, ive seen all the sour stomper phenos, i think i could tell if it was more than just normal dwc growth. I feel like im creating a perfect environment for the photo+ bacteria and accelerating growth, but it could just be a giant mutant. I really wanna figure it out, ill switch over to all dwc using this method if its whats working

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Man she sure is a beast I haven't tried photo+ yet but looks to be working magic on your MBAP...
Recharge is some great stuff for sure https://www.realgrowers.com/product/recharge/

Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk
Man she sure is a beast I haven't tried photo+ yet but looks to be working magic on your MBAP...
Recharge is some great stuff for sure https://www.realgrowers.com/product/recharge/

Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk
Hmm i was kinda familiar with it, i thought it was just mycos for some reason, and didnt know about the ph alteration. Im using humboldt myco maximum, it has everything included in the advanced nutrient voodoo juice, pirrahna and tarantula, and only costs 30 for a pound. Found this cool article
Im gonna have to look at some roots under my microscope...

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