It is a 5x9 my man soon going to a 10X10 . I have a 8 inch inline fan for extraction and 6 inch inline for intake. I use different kinds of led's Mostly cheap ones.
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Here is a little spread I put together of my lady of the comp, Mrs MBAP and she is natural no trim no pinch or anything else to her. She has grown this way on her own and is continuing to put roots down going up the stalk which is kinda wild. Here she is guys mind you she was just fed hence the leaves drooping getting all full and plump on them NFTG juices and that MAMMOTH P with a dash of Microbe Life products via the sample pack
By the way check out them roots pushing out of the pot. That's some crazy freak strong root power boys and girls, she wants to be a winner!


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What is recharge? I thought it was mycos. Well. I could just look it up...but, for the sake of discussion ill not delete this lol.
I am completely mind blown by the mbap growth. Im going to do a comparative grow without the photosynthesis plus, or i might just do a strain im familiar with, ive seen all the sour stomper phenos, i think i could tell if it was more than just normal dwc growth. I feel like im creating a perfect environment for the photo+ bacteria and accelerating growth, but it could just be a giant mutant. I really wanna figure it out, ill switch over to all dwc using this method if its whats working

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What nutes do you run?:headbang:

Day 29 of my Creme Bubbly...started low stress training a couple days ago. Now, its the fun part... watching them double and triple in size every week! Loving it!!!
Mammoth p ... Sucks ass guys.. Very surprised on the choices in here.. Was expecting more from you

Great white is by far superior...

That's secret number two I've shared with you guys... might have to start

Just having fun...
Mammoth p works great in a tea.. I love some recharge though..