LOL yeah I know. But I look at the title really more than anything at this point aside from the size. I certainly know that thats not always the case with larger plants. Im refering to the title really more than anything. if your gonna do a Battle for a year long grow,why not start in the first cycle of the yr. or close anyways, then eliminate over wins and losses per style and then the last two cycles are judged the same way with the last person standing takes it.LOL! thats all Im really say here.size?!eh,happens a lot but agreed small ones win too but nowhere nearly as often that I know of. but the battle and title. why one battle? why not for the best grower of the year be more like a real battle to figure out who IS the better grower.cycle in and cycle out. . . ? dunno thats all Im saying but I know you guys are stupidly overworked hands down. but for a title like that. ya know. kinda needs to be earned . lol Sorry. ill be quiet now LOL