Lets all remind ourselves what a "Grower of the Year" Incorporates. What that Man or Woman should be able to do with a plant and act within our community. Home of the Autoflowering Cannabis, Sharing Friendly Knowledge is what makes us different from other sites. Let's keep it that way and find out who is the Mephisto Grower of the Year.

Now this is a guy who gets it! :hump: Good morning friend!
Lol...so let me get this straight. You are okay with the fact that there are rules here and you are okay with the fact that he is possibly lying... You know- cheating..

That's all I care about... That we stick to the parameters of the battle..
If a person wants to cheat I'm okay with it . It's his conscience not mine that they have to deal with . Besides the plant will run it's course and by the time we get to THE FINAL JUDGMENT the truth will prevail . Now I ain't giving sermons for nothing boys reach into those pockets and cough up your loose change . :rofl:
Day 7
So am I out? Since first germ died and I dropped on the 8th? Not trying to start a war or anything.
Absolutely not . Your not duckin me brother . By the by I'm running that fogger at 15 min on and 45 min off does that sound about right to you I haven't a clue . :nono:
Absolutely not . Your not duckin me brother . By the by I'm running that fogger at 15 min on and 45 min off does that sound about right to you I haven't a clue . :nono:
Lol I have 0 ideas on fogging lol. I'd imagine if wet then your set. Pun intended.
Lol I have 0 ideas on fogging lol. I'd imagine if wet then your set. Pun intended.
Sounds like one of my old girl friends . :rofl: Okay I'm winging it . One plant has root going out the sides of the net pot and 1 plant has a tap 6 " long outside the pot so I guess well leave it alone . :thumbsup: