If a person wants to cheat I'm okay with it . It's his conscience not mine that they have to deal with . Besides the plant will run it's course and by the time we get to THE FINAL JUDGMENT the truth will prevail . Now I ain't giving sermons for nothing boys reach into those pockets and cough up your loose change . :rofl:
Yea I woke up this morning and BAMMMM, my house was gone and my creme bubbly looked like this on day 3.... did I win?
Hey guys we will take a look at the pictures and timestamps uploaded recently by the member as well on the admin side to see if there are any other discrepancies. Let's please give them fair chance to respond to the photo of the timestamp and to explain their end of it, at the very least. Any trolling/flaming will be dealt with per our Terms of Use, so please be considerate in that regard and we'll get down to the nuts and bolts of this and see what's going on. Thank you!
Hey guys we will take a look at the pictures and timestamps uploaded recently by the member as well on the admin side to see if there are any other discrepancies. Let's please give them fair chance to respond to the photo of the timestamp and to explain their end of it, at the very least. Any trolling/flaming will be dealt with per our Terms of Use, so please be considerate in that regard and we'll get down to the nuts and bolts of this and see what's going on. Thank you!
I wasn't trying be inflammatory in any way. I apologize if it came off that way

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Phew, finally caught up. This thread moves quick.

Here is my Double grape, illuminauto drop. She started day 3 today.


Her humidity dome was removed this morn and she was given a splash of un ph'ed well water.
