It really doesn't matter anyhow all it means that the plants in question might finish a little earlier . :nono: let me get this straight. You are okay with the fact that there are rules here and you are okay with the fact that he is possibly lying... You know- cheating..

That's all I care about... That we stick to the parameters of the battle.. let me get this straight. You are okay with the fact that there are rules here and you are okay with the fact that he is possibly lying... You know- cheating..

That's all I care about... That we stick to the parameters of the battle..
Agree. if rules are NOT followed. why have them.

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It really doesn't matter anyhow all it means that the plants in question might finish a little earlier . :nono:

Although there are set rules, @1939 is right. I'd doesn't make a lick of difference in an auto grow. Now if this was a photoperiod contest I would feel much differently. But as some have said, the rules are the rules and now it's up to the mods to make a choice. No need for things to get hectic in a friendly grow off [emoji4]Grow on

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Although there are set rules, @1939 is right. I'd doesn't make a lick of difference in an auto grow. Now if this was a photoperiod contest I would feel much differently. Grow on

Unbelievable... where has the world gone if we are okay with liars... I don't give s Shit about the plant size... It's the lying that is know..What we teach our kids not to do... To not lie.. That your word is all you have in the world..

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Hey guys let's not turn this into a witch trial here; please allow Belivitez time to respond at the very least. If there is suspect of cheating, we will definitely take a look into it to see if there is something afoot. We absolutely want to make sure this is as fair as possible. Looking at the contest rules, it looks like the plant for the comp still has to be chosen by the end of the month, and the finisher to it is a photo poll. I'm absolutely not advocating anyone bending the rules (and we will look into it, especially if it's glaring,) but it would seem like it should be a fair finish regardless if it even were the case (and if it IS the case and there was not permission granted, I personally own a pretty gnarly butt paddler (don't ask) and we'll make sure it's not an issue ever again.)

Lots of people signed up for this comp, we'll make sure we keep it fair and I'm sure the growing abilities are going to be what separates the talk from the walk.
Well I pulled out my Gold Glue [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]. It looks like it tried to germ but it looks liquified or something. I threw it in a paper towel to see if would still germ, but I don't have faith it will do anything. Makes me very nervous for [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]. Gonna try to germ something to take its/their place. This will be my first non-germed seed, very sad.
Dude don't be. You know my struggles with Gold Glue. If you get [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] to go you will be me Jedi Master for ever!
Lets all remind ourselves what a "Grower of the Year" Incorporates. What that Man or Woman should be able to do with a plant and act within our community. Home of the Autoflowering Cannabis, Sharing Friendly Knowledge is what makes us different from other sites. Let's keep it that way and find out who is the Mephisto Grower of the Year.