My sideways og decided to thrive, lastnight I put the 2nd og in the pot, this morning I moved it out to lil cup. So now I only lost the Auto blue.
leaves opened this morning.
meph loaf says 3 out of 4 ain't bad.
Well I pulled out my Gold Glue [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]. It looks like it tried to germ but it looks liquified or something. I threw it in a paper towel to see if would still germ, but I don't have faith it will do anything. Makes me very nervous for [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]. Gonna try to germ something to take its/their place. This will be my first non-germed seed, very sad.
@Raoul-Duke keep at it bro, everyone has had at least a fee beans fail in their time growing. It is a sign that not everything in the universe is perfect, even though we would almost all vouch for Mephisto and say they have the most perfect plants availible. I know I sure would!:greenthumb:
@Raoul-Duke keep at it bro, everyone has had at least a fee beans fail in their time growing. It is a sign that not everything in the universe is perfect, even though we would almost all vouch for Mephisto and say they have the most perfect plants availible. I know I sure would!:greenthumb:
Good point man. I feel humbled by this experience.

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So unfortunately I'm down from six to only 3 in the airpots [emoji17]

But fortunately I had some extra pots and a To go container from wonton soup, and the "runts" (all nice seedlings) get to live[emoji4][emoji48][emoji16]

I'm gonna keep them realllllll small. I hope they like bondage[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

I hope they take the transplant well, the roots were already 3+ times the length of the stem.[emoji12]

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Failed bean. New bean dropped. Mbap again lol. Stubborn

The MBAP for me seem to be the least vigorous so far and have TINYYYYY razor leaves.... also one of them dropped its helmet and the leaves were straight white, wasn't ready yet I don't think. Yesterday



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