White stomper popped for me 100%germ rate ,day 2 ,Sept,7 .b day
Good point man. I feel humbled by this experience.

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Yeah bro... I had an entire pack of Think Differents just kinda go kaputt... 3 didn't germ 2 did but didn't make it all the way to a proper seedling, one's helmet never popped right so it choked itself near the soil level and the other just never came above soil even though it had a healthy tail, it choked itself as well. (I tried I swear!) Then from the same shipment, Nightqueen 1 seed BAM, best god damn germ to seedling to finish I've had (not that I've had many) but *shrug*. So you're definitely not alone!

sky 1 died.jpg
...picture of the scene of the crime last grow...
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Not the week of good germ for a lot of people... it's all good!!!! More light for the strong ones. I was kinda betting on some duds, now I got 6 in a 2x4x6[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23].... horrible problems to have

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tent day 2.jpg

2x Skylar germ'd and in soil to the right, will wait for signs of life from one or both of them... not sure if she plans to grow both out or cull one...


Ripley's OG giving you all a nice bow as she says hello to the world! Day 2.
For those of you that are having problems germinating seeds don't get down on yourselves . This is not an exact science and the stabilization of auto cannabis is inmo still going thorough some growing pains . You are pioneer's in a sense as auto flowering plants have only been around for a little over 40 years that we know of . Breeders are not omnipotent and in their zeal to produce more and more strains screw up just the same as you and I and release strains that are not 100% stable . ( not anyone we know of course ) Seeds are expensive right now and I empathize with you if you lose a plant but don't look at yourself as a failure it might not be all your fault . Cheers :thumbsup:
Two that broke ground! Woo hoo! Got two White Crack right behind.
I hope the White Crack catches up with the AVT because only one or two are doin the WC I hate to do both because I don't want to have to buy another air pump.

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Ok guys finally have chance with stabile internet. This is today early photo... all strains together. When i come back from work i will transplant them into bigger pots and half to cob box and half to platinum led box :frog: 24/0 lights on for first 2 week... @mephisto HEISENHOUND
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I call bullshit...no way those are six days old ... No way...