Well this a a tricky one. Based on my experience and talking with some other comercial auto breeders, the auto flowering process is intiated when there is stress to the roots. Meaning the tap root reaches the bottom of the pot, or the roots start to ball around the pot.
Thats why stunted plants are usually so small, if you pull them out youll see a root ball usually no bigger than your fist. The roots experienced so much stress that it caused to plant to flower immediately.
Hydro growing methods challenge this theory a bit, like in your small coco pot grows.
From my experince in 2gal organic soil pots autos will flower in 2-3 weeks and should finish in the 70 day range. I run this style of growing for a quick harvest or to test out some new strains.
I also run large 15 gallon pots with living soil. Plants in this setup often dont flower for 3-5 weeks and wont finish for 100 days plus. (Well beyond the 4th node) But they will often be 4-6 ft tall, 3 ft wide and easily yeild 6-12 oz.
So i guess my answer is that we dont really know for sure, and we are still trying to find some eaxct science on this. And the answer for soil and hydro methods could be very different.
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Thank you so much @stan_mephisto for your response. I really appreciate the fact you took the time to respond.
This subject, is really intriguing me.
By constantly training the plant to the rim and ensuring all new branches that are created are tied down, then flowering seems stalled at least 20-30 days? I am taking Sour Crack 1 as long as I can and will keep tying her down till I am out of room!
I currently have 4 plants slammed to the rim up to day 52. They still show no plan to flower. As said before, all show sex as norma, at normal timel. Most now circle the pot. I think I must be at about node 6/7 of tie down.
I only use 3lt airpots! I have a tiny 1.2x 0.6 tent !!!
White Widow
Sour Crack
Comparison to younger sister at day 33!
Blueberry Treacle growing in the garden, day 45. Last time I grew her, I topped once and she was done 75 days.
Orange Diesel will run to 110-120 days, but will yield big
Toof Decay, day 60 - looks like 20/30 days to go - In a mug too! (400 ml)
It seems, not surprisingly, slowing the girls down massively improves yield. Makes sense as you utilise the plants side branching ability and improves the size of the main stems as they are older and thicker. Thus able to provide more nutes.
My current thinking is tap root stress triggers sex (I have played with the solo cup method before), which then triggers the ruderalis gene - which to me at least seems to be maturity / plant spatial awareness (does that exist???). It cannot be node development per se - as my plants are many nodes long vs the natural girls. Just very very slammed!
Something is stopping their natural will to move to flower.
I would say they are justing vegging longer... but that is photo talk and I grow autos / Mephisto almost exclusively!!