I'm definately going to grab the new sativa strains from mephisto! In the mean time incase you didnt know.. night owl seeds curated by gbd/daz one of the mephisto breeders is a new seed company. Theres only 3 strains released so far. A blue magoo bx2 auto (dynasty) , a cheech wizard auto (bodhi) and finally a sativa auto zamaldelica (ace). Zamaldelica express is a sativa auto 4 years in the making and its getting amazing reviews and its bred with mephisto genetics by a mephisto breeder..... link...
The seed bazaar is legit! I'm pretty sure its daz himself who's sending it anyways it's like a co-op non profit seedbank..
Edit. There is a few limited f1 crosses with those strains. I just meant "catalog" strains..