Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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yeah it can be. Ive already put together a water only system from current products available and its almost a no fail system ,just a lay out of a wee bitO cash LOL,as long as good water is provided. but thats something else entirely man. but i was thinking about the amounts and i think it was a lil closer to 2.2 gallons rather.,per pack,but works good though. organic taste too. not tlo but its darn good. and easy. water n cal mag.
yeah it can be. Ive already put together a water only system from current products available and its almost a no fail system ,just a lay out of a wee bitO cash LOL,as long as good water is provided. but thats something else entirely man. but i was thinking about the amounts and i think it was a lil closer to 2.2 gallons rather.,per pack,but works good though. organic taste too. not tlo but its darn good. and easy. water n cal mag.
I have court water with good PH bit ppm might be too high at 300.... using RO and GO calmag+ maybe? PH to 6.5 I can't be buying distilled for 24 girls in 3 gal pots lol
Got my seeds today, Mitch; gracias. (Hey, I was out of Sour Crack seeds; this is NOT allowed!)

HAHAHAHA good shit! I HAD to buy me some Grape Crinkles the other day cause you know "They might sell out of them some day" hahahahaha @mephisto you guys are the reason we all have great rationalization skills! I have to have more mephisto beans cause *insert random excuse here* lmao
Thanks guys! Much appreciated. In Trying to learn organics and get a nice add water and tea only soil made up....I work at my local grow shop so my amendment possibilities are almost endless....and I get everything dirt cheap. So I'll b studying all evening, specially your threads EOF, I really love everything I see of yours here and over at autoflower portal man!

Actually 2 tablespoons per gallon of soil. Mix well. Add amended soil to bottom half and plain soil to top half.
Earthworm castings ~30% is never a bad idea.
Plant, water enjoy...
Here are the directions for use:

Autoflower Super Soil Mix

To use this, simply add One Scoop (Two Tablespoons) of mix per gallon of premium potting soil, preferably Roots Original. Blend the soil and mix until the ammendments are distributed throughout. This is now ready to use Autoflower Super Soil.

Layer the bottom half of your pot with the Autoflower Super Soil and the top half with unammended soil.

Plant, water, and enjoy the results!

*Additional Notes*

-Earthworm Castings are great! I use them at up to 30%

-This mix can be used with coco. Instead of having two layers, as described above, you should use three layers. Full strength Super Coco in the bottom 1/3rdof the pot (2 Tbs per gallon), 1/2 strength in the middle 1/3rd of the pot (1 Tbs per gallon), and straight coco in the top 1/3rd of the pot.

I'll get a thread specifically for questions up soon!
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