Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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Day 32 for my 2 girls and need some direction. 3rd meph grow but first for the 2 girls below.

Any of you meph heads grow a SODK that refused to start flowering? My GWK is almost touching the light and full flower mode now since day 29. SODK is definitely a girl but just keeps putting on leaves. In soil (FF/happy frog, worm castings and MC2.0 at 4 gms/gal. Temps low 80s humidity 60-70%. Under 3500k CMH and also turned on my 2 65w autocobs.

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Day 32 for my 2 girls and need some direction. 3rd meph grow but first for the 2 girls below.

Any of you meph heads grow a SODK that refused to start flowering? My GWK is almost touching the light and full flower mode now since day 29. SODK is definitely a girl but just keeps putting on leaves. In soil (FF/happy frog, worm castings and MC2.0 at 4 gms/gal. Temps low 80s humidity 60-70%. Under 3500k CMH and also turned on my 2 65w autocobs.

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32 days is still a bit early to worry. Have rolled an awful lot of meph strains thru the tent, have not had one not flower. Haven't even had one that had to have the light reduced to get to go.
If she's tossing pistils, just hang on a bit.
32 days is still a bit early to worry. Have rolled an awful lot of meph strains thru the tent, have not had one not flower. Haven't even had one that had to have the light reduced to get to go.
If she's tossing pistils, just hang on a bit.

Will do Arthur. My first “kush” run and have been reminded I have much to learn.

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I've got an Autoseeds SuckerPunch that's tacoing under EC=1.0 (500 ppm) at the 6 week mark in dwc.
Looks like 450 ppm might work better.
If that were all MC 1.0, then 450 ppm is about 3.75 g/G for me.
Thank you this is exactly what I needed to know! Now I at least have a fighting chance here.

Which ppm scale do you use 500 or 700?
Don't adopt other people's nutrient sceduals and ppm levels it only leads to problems. Lighting, co2, temp and RH all play a rile on the plants metabolism and what it needs to eat. Like the dude below says it's more of a guide. And unless you have the exact same water source ppm will vary between every grow. You gotta find the right scedual that works for you and your grow. Plants are resiliant but a mistake during veg. With a auto can make the diffrence between a great harvest and a horrible one.
Don't adopt other people's nutrient sceduals and ppm levels it only leads to problems. Lighting, co2, temp and RH all play a rile on the plants metabolism and what it needs to eat. Like the dude below says it's more of a guide. And unless you have the exact same water source ppm will vary between every grow. You gotta find the right scedual that works for you and your grow. Plants are resiliant but a mistake during veg. With a auto can make the diffrence between a great harvest and a horrible one.

But as others have pointed out, some growers need a lot of feeding guidance before they learn the fine points.
I think it would be a great service to have a default feeding schedule that reflects reality.
Anyone know what the freebie is on the Canadian site right now.

Day 32 for my 2 girls and need some direction. 3rd meph grow but first for the 2 girls below.

Any of you meph heads grow a SODK that refused to start flowering? My GWK is almost touching the light and full flower mode now since day 29. SODK is definitely a girl but just keeps putting on leaves. In soil (FF/happy frog, worm castings and MC2.0 at 4 gms/gal. Temps low 80s humidity 60-70%. Under 3500k CMH and also turned on my 2 65w autocobs.

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Most SODK phenos are sativa dominate and have a longer flower time. I've had SODK phenos that didn't pre flower until day 45 or so. Its also one of the larger Mephisto strains you can get. I wouldn't worry just yet, if at all..
But as others have pointed out, some growers need a lot of feeding guidance before they learn the fine points.
I think it would be a great service to have a default feeding schedule that reflects reality.

Not being funny my post is just that!

Edit : this is more definitive and how I do it.... although I use also meta boost to tweak EC to the stated levels below. A+B can be used otherwise.

For coco :

The key is knowing where you start.

Me... I use RO water so base EC is 0.

For preloading / feeding seedlings days 1 - 7 I aim for a total feed of 0.3 EC. So from 0 EC base I first add liquid silicon. This is less soluble - so add first and shake well. It will not move EC.

Next cal/mag. I add to raise EC 0.15 for first seven days. Then up to 0.3 for veg and 0.4 in flower. If I see cal/mag deficiency .. add 1ml / 5lt.

Next is A+B.

Basically, first week do not go above 0.3 total with cal/mag. 0.20ml/lt. Then up 1ml/5lt each week till clawing on new growth. Less is more. In veg is good. You want light green not dark leaves... easy to add - pain in the ars to remove.

Then full flower, still at 0.6/7 start to add PK. Again up 0.1 EC per week till tip burn.. push them baby!

Clawing is not praying - so you need to be able to read your ladies. If in doubt read the green of the new leaves ... lighter and healthy is better!

I also add rhizome cana at 1ml/lt till two weeks befote flush. Cheap, builds roots and does not move EC.

Always pH the above once rested.

IME Meph girls are sensitive to nutes... feed correctly at the right stages !!!

Simples ;-)
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