I grew forgotten cookies and white crack next to each other and both yielded about the same but I also train my plants for max yield. The write crack is shorter and fatter and Denver. But the cookies it a bit taller and a bit smoother but yields around the same. Also phenotypes play a big role. I've never gotten the high yielding Skywalker pheno I've always looked for while I see others get it every time. All I do know is that all mephistos strains are super consistant and stable. The white cracks potency is unrivaled so far for me so the increased potency makes up for the little less yield even though a smaller yield hasent been my exsperience with it. Ordering seeds though them is soooooo hard bc I want them all and go back and forth between strains and can't choose. I've never been disappointed by a mephisto strain. Not ever. And when I go off the reservation trying new breeders I find myself running back pounding on the door to please let me back in. Lol
I feel you, now craving to try White crack.. haha