Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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Ordered some super soil on went day and it say it's gonna be delivered tommorow. I can't wait to see how this soil ammendment really works. If it does what says it does I will be using it for the future to come. To only have to water and maybe feed it some organic tea to give it a boost. You can't go wrong unless your trying to screw up it takes a lot of problems away overfeeding and things in that nature should no longer be issue for new growers and a great addon for skilled growers to take less time nurturing it's like a water and watch. It makes things much more simplified. And if it's from mephisto you know it works or there name wouldn't be on it ever thing they sell is great.
Just got my second order! Funny thing is, I thought I didn't get a new strain on my last order. I was organizing my seeds and there it was! Lol in one of the bags I didn't even notice it When I went through them last time! I was happy with my order anyway so finding it was just another excellent bonus hehe thanks @mephisto!! Both orders exceeded expectations.
Just got my second order! Funny thing is, I thought I didn't get a new strain on my last order. I was organizing my seeds and there it was! Lol in one of the bags I didn't even notice it When I went through them last time! I was happy with my order anyway so finding it was just another excellent bonus hehe thanks @mephisto!! Both orders exceeded expectations.
I told you that you should have extra seeds that's good that you found them. What did you get white chem that's what I got with my order. I just got my second order in of some super soil I just couldn't wait to see if it really works.
Just got my second order this month in of some super soil and got some free Sour stomper X walter white. I don't know anything about the strain it's new genetics they made but sounds like it's gonna be awsome. What's a good name for the strain through some names out there everyone. Thanks Mephisto and Daz for getting my order to me in 2 days you can't beat that. And I must say mephisto has the best customer service I ever seen hands down. Keep up the great work mephisto everything yous are doing is making a lot of people happy and making the auto community alot better.
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I told you that you should have extra seeds that's good that you found them. What did you get white chem that's what I got with my order. I just got my second order in of some super soil I just couldn't wait to see if it really works.
Yes I got the white Chem last time and the ss x walter white this time.
I'm using kind soil. Mrs crinkle is doing well!
Yea I got Sour stomper X Walter White. Are you using the super soil I just got mine today I gonna try next cycle like in a month. How's the grape crinkle going.
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