Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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For 6 guys taking it worldwide, and just now coming online to have multiple points of sale around the world, that's pretty critical, and they attended to those who had sour crack issues (from Canada) , offering to replace seeds after Stan ran a germ test.....

I'm not seeing poorly treated.

Bingo. I’m a new meph head and could not agree more with your statement @Arthur. I believe many of our Canadian brothers and sisters would agree too.

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Sour Crack seems like a great quick Sea Of Green candidate. Run 24 of those in one gallons in a 4x4 would be money.
Tag me if ya give it a shot. I have one going that would make you rethink your [HASHTAG]#s[/HASHTAG]! 28" tall, day 61 from drop today... easy another 2 weeks. Probably more. She's center stage right now.
Working on getting the restock up on the .ca site.

Double grape will be released in March sometime once all locations have it stocked and ready to go.

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I agree with the comments regarding Mephisto’s generosity, customer service, and addressing the Canadian Sour Crack issues. Mephisto has found a formula that customers love; however, in a sense the quality of their genetics, abundant and special freebies, and new products have backfired as demand outweighs supply.

Opening Canadian only distribution came with the assumption and anticipation by customers that all of these great things Mephisto offers would be available to Canadians and they have not necessarily been offered. As I understand it, it wasn’t long ago that a Meph head could order from any Mephisto website but now it’s exclusive to the region you live. I understand the reasons for this also, but when I see the inventory selection available to the US and the allocated freebies not available to the Canadian site it’s a bit disappointing.

In no way am I slamming Mephisto for what they do, I am a big fan. Influences out of Mephisto’s hands have also not helped. The Canadian postal service dropped the ball during the Black Friday sale that affected availability to the Canadian site for that sale. Recently though, the MG websites were offline and there was discussion of updating seed stocks. Many anticipated more availability when the websites came back online but the Canadian site was no different than when it was shut down. As seen above, Stan mentioned that the Canadian restock was being done, 10 days ago, and Double Grape would be released in March sometime yet there is still no change. I’m not holding my breath.

I already know that I am free to purchase from other suppliers and seed banks but I really don’t want to do that. As a Meph-head, I want to support MG and be a part of their growing customer base, just like every other Meph-head, Canadian or not.
SC from .ca

Since I made the comment on how I felt then, I find as well important to come here to say that I was contacted by Stan and he made my situation right with no ob’igation to do so. Thank you Stan for the help!!

Not to light a fire or anything and good for you i guess for getting replacements for something that was already free in the first place but c'mon man.. you've been bitching and moaning about the SC and putting down the .ca site because you don't understand they are a growing business. You've made multiple posts about getting replacements for something that's already free in the first place and they gave the baby his bottle so you're finally happy.

I received 5 SC as freebies, all duds.. if I ordered them you're damn straight I would have redeemed a free pack to replace them but I'm not about to stir shit up and disrespect an awesome company for some free stuff.

Karma brother...
I don't believe any of the seeds that were mentioned, Double Grape, or shown in the Instagram photographs have been added to any site as of yet.
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