Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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I think that sometimes you can pick seeds with a harder shell. Even if you are having always high or perfect germination rates, these hard shells may cause issues.

Half year ago, I had some problems with Forum Stomper. The first seed didn‘t crack, the second one took a quite long (1 week) to germinate ... moisture, temperature were good.

Since then I changed the procedure ... now I don‘t soak my seeds in pure water anymore but use always water with H2O2 (1 part H2O2 at 3% / 16 parts water) for 24 hours.

H2O2 provides:

- Desinfektion
- Softening of the shell
- Higher intake of oxigen

Past Wednesday I applied it on another Forum Stomper seed ... it broke ground on Friday ... in less than 70 hours!

Good luck and happy growing!
Also use the same process with great success.
I’ll be germing 1 or 2 more seeds (probably forgotten cookies) in a couple weeks & im definitely going to give the h peroxide a shot, thank you for the pro tip. I’ll update on the sour cracks when I have any new info. Haven’t given up on them just yet
I can third that opinion. I also use H2o2, and that works great. You can use a diluted solution of that to spray the plant during seedling phase to help keep away pests and any harmful pathogens. Bad stuff just evaporates away so no harm to plant.

Look it up on the web for more details if you like. But that really aides from germination into seedlings pahse.
good luck!
gwk at day 10
Only took 100 dollars worth of seeds to finally get one. But after all that I have learned that mephisto beans are harder than others to germ,high Thc big yields but how about easy germing , just my opinion .takes lots of heat and moisture .and once you do get through the learning curve these plants grow fast .this chemdogging is a good size for 4 weeks old .and I got a forum stomped going now also .ill be getting fantasmo express next .to try hurry up and get there.
Is anyone else having issues with sour crack in America or is it just me ? Really not much of a complainer honestly, but I don’t understand what’s been going on because I’ve otherwise had some great luck with germing seeds until these guys... I’ve germed all 5 now and all 5 .. have the same problems. All 5 did not want to come out of the shell, and I’m not talking about just the shell is a little stuck on there and it just needs to be kept moist and it will fall off on its own, I mean they won’t come off and then come out all snarly after, some just fell over and died. The ones that did make it .. stunted bad but eventually recovered. They started flowering and one looks ok and the other while looking pretty healthy otherwise is making small dried up looking malformed like weird little buds that haven’t grown or changed in the past couple weeks.. I’ve never seen it before. Cutting my losses I decided to germ more seeds.. the sweet n sour made it just fine and the sour cracks once again... are doing the same exact thing that happened last time. When it did happen last time I said to myself “it’s winter. You really can’t know for sure it was the seeds bc germing in winter is problematic at times”. Well now they’ve had nothing but high temps but did the same thing so no I don’t think it was me anymore.

This was my first order with mephisto, my fingers are crossed these remaining sour cracks will survive, we’ll see. I’m still excited to grow out the sweet n sours and the rest... just don’t know what was up with this pack of sour cracks
Ok, I have seen NUMEROUS people complain of germination problems with Sour Crack seeds lately. I germed 4/4 that were 2+ years old recently. They are all up. That being said, with that many people having the same issues with germination, it could be a different bat h of seeds. Mine were from 2017 Black Friday and did fine. So, I popped those and ran out. I just started 2 Blue Cush seeds last night. But those are freebies. I ordered more Sour Crack and White Crack. Just to prove or disprove this "problem" I will start soaking a Sour Crack seed right now. If I have an issue, something is truely wrong. If it germs, then it is user error for those who have failed. I will start soaking a seed tonight. I soak for 24hours and directly plant, without a tail. Some open within 24 hrs...some don't. Either way, they go into Coco. Lightly covered with a dome and temps 80-85f. It will be above ground in 2-3 days max. I will go grab a cup of water and start now. Once it is up, I will post a pic. I have faith, it is not the seeds. I have only had 1Mephisto Strain not germ. White Train. They were small and immature looking. Other than that, I have 50 Sour Blues I just germed 4...they are 3 years old easily. That being said, some strains do have harder shells....often INDICA based. The h2o2 is a good idea, if you have troubles. I don't, but actually I will do a side by side. I will do 2 Sour Crack seeds right now. 1 Soaking in RO water only for 24 hrs and 1 Soaking in diluted h2o2 water for 24 hrs. I like Doing experiments and this will prove weather or not it is the seeds or user error. I have germed Hundreds of seeds. Sour Crack germ test begins...NOW! I will share info through out the next few days and pics. Peace, slow
Ok, I have seen NUMEROUS people complain of germination problems with Sour Crack seeds lately. I germed 4/4 that were 2+ years old recently. They are all up. That being said, with that many people having the same issues with germination, it could be a different bat h of seeds. Mine were from 2017 Black Friday and did fine. So, I popped those and ran out. I just started 2 Blue Cush seeds last night. But those are freebies. I ordered more Sour Crack and White Crack. Just to prove or disprove this "problem" I will start soaking a Sour Crack seed right now. If I have an issue, something is truely wrong. If it germs, then it is user error for those who have failed. I will start soaking a seed tonight. I soak for 24hours and directly plant, without a tail. Some open within 24 hrs...some don't. Either way, they go into Coco. Lightly covered with a dome and temps 80-85f. It will be above ground in 2-3 days max. I will go grab a cup of water and start now. Once it is up, I will post a pic. I have faith, it is not the seeds. I have only had 1Mephisto Strain not germ. White Train. They were small and immature looking. Other than that, I have 50 Sour Blues I just germed 4...they are 3 years old easily. That being said, some strains do have harder shells....often INDICA based. The h2o2 is a good idea, if you have troubles. I don't, but actually I will do a side by side. I will do 2 Sour Crack seeds right now. 1 Soaking in RO water only for 24 hrs and 1 Soaking in diluted h2o2 water for 24 hrs. I like Doing experiments and this will prove weather or not it is the seeds or user error. I have germed Hundreds of seeds. Sour Crack germ test begins...NOW! I will share info through out the next few days and pics. Peace, slow

@stan_mephisto said they were going to do another germ test the current sour crack as well.

Stan, did you do a germ test yet? I might have missed it.
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