Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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If your having issues gerning, my advice would be to use a few drops of h202 into the germ water that they soak in. H202 will soften the shell, add oxygen to the water so the seed can breathe, kills off any unseen contaminates and much more. I haven't had a gern issue in a long time because of it. And all I pop are the older Meph strains from years ago.
Also a loosen but stable soil around the bean helps, I noticed if I tapped it down it A. Pushed bean further down, or B. When it did germ it was like it had tok go thru concrete to pop out.
I've had 100% germ so far with Meph. Granted I haven't grown many, did have some herm issues though. My SLx3B had a few nads on 2 branches early on so I plucked those and kept a close eye on her and all went well. I to use a spray bottle for 3-4 days and lightly "flake' the soil over their heads, did have to spray one and use a toothpick to help get her helmet off.
Was listening to a breeder talking the other night about sprouts with the hull still attached. Says its 100% due to seed being upside down when put into soil.
Says point up, tail comes out that end, and has to go around the seed and down n then rotate the seed up and out, dragging it from the hull.

Have never paid attention, and have had a few pop helmeted... will be paying more attention from now on.
Was listening to a breeder talking the other night about sprouts with the hull still attached. Says its 100% due to seed being upside down when put into soil.
Says point up, tail comes out that end, and has to go around the seed and down n then rotate the seed up and out, dragging it from the hull.

Have never paid attention, and have had a few pop helmeted... will be paying more attention from now on.

This can't be right, lol. I use the paper towel method to germ and do not plant into soil/coco until the tap root is a few cm long. I put the tap root into the medium and lightly cover it. I get seedlings with the shell stuck on them all the time. So it can't be 100% do to putting the seed into soil upside down.
This can't be right, lol. I use the paper towel method to germ and do not plant into soil/coco until the tap root is a few cm long. I put the tap root into the medium and lightly cover it. I get seedlings with the shell stuck on them all the time. So it can't be 100% do to putting the seed into soil upside down.

I have no idea... was listening to a panel of breeders, had 5 or so, and the teaming with microbes guy.
Figured worth a shot. Haven't ever lost one due to a helmet, but hell, always up to make a simple change if its beneficial.

Was thinking about it, in nature wouldn't the pointed end be there to help penetrate soil?
I think helmet head often comes as a result of not planting your seed deep enough. These are fairly large seeds and can push to 1/2 inch of soil easily if you dont pack it too much. Allowing the seed to grow a bit before breaking the surface helps keep the humidity around the hull high and would help the plant to expand and shed the cap before breaking the surface or at least have it fairly loose when it does.
Well IMHO their customer service is terrible. In this day and age if I spend my hard earned money on a product I expect it to work. After a 20% success rate trying to germinate 5 sour crack seeds I would say that the product did not work as advertised. Now to be told from them that “ my friend just grew some” as a response is crazy. Then to say if you order more seed from us I’ll send you a few is an insult. I already sent you money for seeds and did not get what I was promised. Yes their products are great when they work but it’s when they don’t that customer service comes into play, and theirs sucks. Zero response from their customer service email on the site. Had to come here to get their attention.
Just started growing a few autos and got 6 for 6 of 6 different strains. Maybe your seed popping tech needs looked at? Thisis the first unhappy customer I have seen in allthe time researching autos over the last 6 months or so. With that being said I have grown cannabis for a few decades now, so got my seed popping down 30 years ago. Check out their grow guide
Any seeds with poor germ rates get pulled from the catalogue entirely. Sour crack had a 100% germ rate, the sams crack looks a bit immature but that was also 100% germ rate.

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Yeah I must confess I was dubious when I saw the Sams Crack beans. Ithought they looked a little immature.. But had no issues as far as viability. 3 weeks old now already alternating nodes and pre flowers poppin
Is this not a customer feedback thread??? Is only good feedback allowed? If I can’t give my honest feedback and feelings in here just close my account.i tried via pms
You could try doing it without sounding like a dick...sorry but if you came at me like you have from the start of your complaining Id tell ya to piss off. The man said he was following policy. No need to be so aggressive man. You may not be mad, but your attitude is certainly shining through and youve been offered a far better deal than most breeders would give ya.
Nothing but 100% Germ rate from Mephisto, Grown a fair amount of them now too so its not just like going off 10 seeds or anything. Anyone getting upset about the germ rate of Mephisto Genetics should re think and re step your germ tech. Temps,humidity everything is taken into factor so don't go barking up the tree until you are 100% it's not your fault. I can fully vouch for Mephisto personally there customer service is not shit, far from it. You have to remember you are 1 in what 1000+ people trying to contact or get a reply.

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