I read somewhere that Meohisto has like 8 employees or something...gotta be more than that, but how small is the company exactly?
There’s currently 6 of us.
2 here in Spain. 1 in The UK, 2 in the States, and 1 in Canada.
And just a general reply:
If you’re enquiry is Order related please email
sales@mephistogenetics.com as the most direct port of call.
As Stan mentioned, do not use the contact form on the site for items pertaining to orders. It goes to
info@mephistogenetics.com , these still get answered but you will not receive as fast a response. There’s a wide range of messages that come through there mostly consisting of people asking general grow questions, for free seeds or Chinese companies trying to sell us LED’s.
Also as a side note, the person handling that email encountered a pretty horrific situation on New Year’s Day which I won’t delve into so some slack has been given there.
We’ve had some teething problems getting the new sites working, both payments coming in and notifications going out. It’s beyond me as these were technical issues down to settings in the backend that took a couple of days for our web developer to talk to the bank and their development team for the extension. It’s been a little more slow going than usual on that front as in Spain their holidays are extended until the 6th as that’s their day of present giving.
Anyway, hopefully we’re on track now with things straightened out.
Apologies for any lapses in communication but the boys have been working since the 2nd getting things in order and getting orders out. We are active here, on reddit and on instagram Incase for any reason emails are not getting through.
We’re never looking to ignore anything. As obviously it creates situations like this. You’ll get an answer. It may not always be the answer you like 100/100 times but you won’t be left hanging.
And just to be clear, we DO NOT warranty seeds. When you enter the site there’s a pop up with an immediate link to our terms and conditions.
https://www.mephistogenetics.com/info/terms Please read it carefully, and if you don’t like those terms then please do not order.