I have 3 college dorm room fridges filled with seeds and spore's like so bad im purchasing another one Saturday cause I'm out room social media opened the door so many independent breeders are able to advertise on a grand scale by word of mouth no wait a click of a button, either way I believe we must support all auto growers and breeders because that's what is going to make change when the at home guy can do it, they are going to seek out autos just like microbrewery are, and Mephisto just so happens to be at the top. Not to many breeders will tell u where they got the parent strains, meph does and they are proud to show you that in strain description. Being a photo guy for years that is a extra trusty and honest note when they do that why because the word respect. [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] commercial breeder right here, several in that group for me but when ur in the USA shipping to me u getting a extra star by ur name. I'm stoned as flip on forum stomper doobie and about to eat this 9 types of Mephisto strains made in to one jar of oil then (was 4.76g of wax before I melted in to the oil, from trimmings) made in to brownies before I go in to work. I let a buddy test the mephisto brownies yesterday said hes never been so high in his life mind u he's 61 so he knows a buzz.