Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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Man you dont know the half of it! I am higher than crow ass right now! :dizzy:catching up on your grow! Nicely done my friend! Huge buds!
:crying: I like that expression.."higher than a crows ass" lol
Thanks for the kind words,dunno why,but I always get a bit anxious this time of the grow,constantly worried if the buds are as big as they should be!! Still got 4-5 weeks to go yet,so I'm hoping mephistos gear really kicks in the flowering soon??
I might have missed it, but any updates on the October drop? I've got a burning need for more Mephisto goodness and it occurred to me I hadn't seen much about the upcoming release. Anyone able to point me in the right direction?

On another note, here's my first Double Grape @50 days. She's having a bit of a hard time right now (suspected P deficiency) but look at that cola and all that frost!

She smells like fruity candy, and I cannot wait to see how she smokes. Mitch & crew, y'all have some killer genetics going on. I'm glad I finally got with the program!
I might have missed it, but any updates on the October drop? I've got a burning need for more Mephisto goodness and it occurred to me I hadn't seen much about the upcoming release. Anyone able to point me in the right direction?

On another note, here's my first Double Grape @50 days. She's having a bit of a hard time right now (suspected P deficiency) but look at that cola and all that frost! View attachment 811245
She smells like fruity candy, and I cannot wait to see how she smokes. Mitch & crew, y'all have some killer genetics going on. I'm glad I finally got with the program!

Hey man, we'll be announcing the drop date and details very soon (hopefully this week)

Kind regards and nice job. Mitch
I two sour bubbly started 8/29/17 both looked fantastic in flower and boom this shows up!what shsll i do?View attachment 811562

How far along are they? What node are you seeing that on?
If they're otherwise healthy and not stressed, just knock/pinch those parts off and they'll grow out fine.
Thanks guys ! Quick response here are plants at 31 days just did some defoliation sunday these have not been topped or lst im very pleased with them and started from 600 hps day just remove the ball's? .also how is plant looking. Thanks
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