Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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Ya I can dig it. I'll try and find something, but if not then it is what it is lol As far as headaches, that's just pH when it comes to hempy. I know what you mean as far as it being more in common with soil, I've looked into before, I've played with it on a small scale like cloning and starting seeds, that's about it.
@Gauge Steel I'll give that a try. I'm pretty sure my pH is right around 6.7-7.2 with nutes mixed been about a month since I checked. I appreciate the help from you both. I'll definitely keep you posted if I decide to go forward with it. Thanks again.
go with what makes you comfortable because this is fun and personally the only uncomfortable fun i want is a 11000cc GP motorcycle between my legs. However it wouldn't cost you a dime to put a freebie seed in a two liter and do a straight tap water / nute with this next run. I guarantee it will make you smile if nothing more than just to prove Gauge right. wrong and get the definitive answer! :thumbsup:
Make's sense yeah?:cheers:
go with what makes you comfortable because this is fun and personally the only uncomfortable fun i want is a 11000cc GP motorcycle between my legs. However it wouldn't cost you a dime to put a freebie seed in a two liter and do a straight tap water / nute with this next run. I guarantee it will make you smile if nothing more than just to prove Gauge right. wrong and get the definitive answer! :thumbsup:
Make's sense yeah?:cheers:
Lol u can have the bike liked killed myself last time I was on one. So do a hempy in 2 liter bottle? Sounds intriguing lol I think I seen that before somewhere. I'd love to prove you right. You'd be right id learn something new and have bud at the end lol
Lol u can have the bike liked killed myself last time I was on one. So do a hempy in 2 liter bottle? Sounds intriguing lol I think I seen that before somewhere. I'd love to prove you right. You'd be right id learn something new and have bud at the end lol
Tape or paint a 2liter. Drill, poke or melt a 7/16 or so 2" up from the bottom. Do what you do. But let that two liter go a couple days until it feels light. Once it start praying hard i lift the bucket and it usually feels light so i water until i get at least 2/3rd the volume out of the reservoir in the bottom.
Thats it. Super simple, super easy. I have never grown in a 2 liter but i watch people that do. They are smaller plants but do just fine. They usually SOG their rooms and swear they get more harvest with more plants.
I do this for a hobby so i keep my grow small and screw around to see what i can get away with. Sometimes i think people in pain are rightfully worried about results and are blinded to the fact that its just a plant and end up loving it to death.
Got my order of 3 Deep Blue C F2 and Super Soil just in time for the grow off. Received 3 DBC, 2 Skywalker, 2 Heisenberg, 5 HBBS! Totally blown away, emailed Mitch as soon as I saw DBC sold out and asked if they had any left, lucked out and here they are. Big THANKS to the Mephisto team, ordering and payment were a breeze and communication was great. :worship:


Now to try and pick what beans to throw in for the grow off.
I love seeing what people actually receive. Can't wait to see what I get. Not expecting as much as my first order as it was a bigger order but still excited. Looks like hbbss is the sept freebie??

I think its the freebie you get with a order of super soil. Dont hold me to that tho...
Dude....not a problem!!Lol I was only joking(I did hope it would stick!!)but it's cool lol...........this is my first ever illuminauto......a day 47 Blue Toof....she is beautiful dude:pass:View attachment 798758
Nice, I plan on growing one soon. What kind of training gave you the two mains? She looks really good, can't wait.
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