Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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I use chelated synthetic nutes that claim to work best un ph'ed.
I believe them. In DWC I PH cuz i am run lots o bubbles and they suggest gentle agitation vs airstones. I started Hempy to make it work when DWC wouldnt FOR ME and my environment. ANperfect PH and RX Green both claim no PH necessary.
I use chelated synthetic nutes that claim to work best un ph'ed.
I believe them. In DWC I PH cuz i am run lots o bubbles and they suggest gentle agitation vs airstones. I started Hempy to make it work when DWC wouldnt FOR ME and my environment. ANperfect PH and RX Green both claim no PH necessary.

Gotcha. I'm using more or less a KISS/Lucas formula (Armor Si, MaxiBloom, CALiMAGic) & Mammoth P. More often than not, once I get everything mixed and give it a test I'm bang-on at 5.8 without having to adjust anything, but even if I do, PH'ing isn't too much of a hassle. I get wanting to streamline things though - I've been looking at my process and equipment for ways to work smarter not harder for the past few months now, lol.
Gotcha. I'm using more or less a KISS/Lucas formula (Armor Si, MaxiBloom, CALiMAGic) & Mammoth P. More often than not, once I get everything mixed and give it a test I'm bang-on at 5.8 without having to adjust anything, but even if I do, PH'ing isn't too much of a hassle. I get wanting to streamline things though - I've been looking at my process and equipment for ways to work smarter not harder for the past few months now, lol.
Yeah im like you. Once my solution is mixed no need to PH. We are saying the same thing. Did you ever find out what the white stuff was at seedling stage was cause i have the same thing on all of my hempy grows. I have a suggestion.
Yeah im like you. Once my solution is mixed no need to PH. We are saying the same thing. Did you ever find out what the white stuff was at seedling stage was cause i have the same thing on all of my hempy grows. I have a suggestion.

Well, I *do* need to PH, just not all the time. For whatever reason our tapwater seems to have fluctuated in chlorine content and PH a few times in recent months, so I make sure to always check at least. It's needed adjusting in the past.

The white stuff at seedling stage...On my Double Grape grow? The only white stuff I can think of was the one weird seedling issue I had with the one seed I popped, but that was just a fluke germination issue. Or do you mean the weird leaf stuff on the one Blue Dream I just finished? If so, no, I never did figure for sure what that was but other growers reported having it too in their own grows with no ill effects, so who knows. Sorry if I'm not picking up what you're putting down - hella medicated at the moment. :biggrin:
Sometimes i get pearlite dust on my seedlings when they are a little close. I think the fan kicks it up and when my plants resperate it pools a little and they look mottled. I dont know if that what was causing your issue, but it's happened to me even after washing the piss out of my pearlite. You got your shit together and i would like to think we can help each other out!
Sometimes i get pearlite dust on my seedlings when they are a little close. I think the fan kicks it up and when my plants resperate it pools a little and they look mottled. I dont know if that what was causing your issue, but it's happened to me even after washing the piss out of my pearlite. You got your shit together and i would like to think we can help each other out!

Yeah, that issue I think was specific to the Blue Dream, and it only happened with the one, so again who knows what went on there. I liked perlite pretty well, but so far I'm liking this Growstone better, to be honest. And thanks for the compliment - feel free to shoot me a PM sometime if you ever wanna chat/ask questions or whatever. I'm still a noob, but always happy to swap info with others. :) :pass:
@ANTiFA @Gauge Steel I've got pH meter and a ppm meter. I usually use lemon juice to pH down though. I understand it's not perfect. I've been fortunate using it with soil grows. I guess I could buy some real pH down. Not a big fan of general hydroponics though what other options do I have? That's affordable. Lol I guess I could buy gh I just don't like their affiliation with Monsanto. I get super coarse perlite $19.99 per 4cu/ft. Not sure what number that would be. Definitely interested in group hemp, higher yield is always welcome. Maybe I'm just intimidated by it some because of others headaches with hydroponics and such. My pH out the tap runs high @ 8.0-8.7 no chlorine, and ppm 184-212.. open to suggestions. I appreciate it.
Try mixing a gallon of your proposed nutes and see what the pH will be. If it's still too high see if adding RO water to tap and then mix nutes can get you to the number you want. Cal mag can lower pH as well. RO to Tap won't be but a 1.5 dif but my tap is 7.1ish and I do not adjust pH. My solution ends up around 6 after everything is added.

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@ANTiFA @Gauge Steel I've got pH meter and a ppm meter. I usually use lemon juice to pH down though. I understand it's not perfect. I've been fortunate using it with soil grows. I guess I could buy some real pH down. Not a big fan of general hydroponics though what other options do I have? That's affordable. Lol I guess I could buy gh I just don't like their affiliation with Monsanto. I get super coarse perlite $19.99 per 4cu/ft. Not sure what number that would be. Definitely interested in group hemp, higher yield is always welcome. Maybe I'm just intimidated by it some because of others headaches with hydroponics and such. My pH out the tap runs high @ 8.0-8.7 no chlorine, and ppm 184-212.. open to suggestions. I appreciate it.

I hear ya on the Monsanto thing. I'm no fan of them either, but for me growing herb comes down to utility and economy. I live on a fixed income (disability) so I need to grow my own because I flat-out can't afford to keep medicating with street bud of questionable lineage/strength/etc. The GH KISS method I use costs me twenty-three to thirty-one cents per gallon. Also, if you eat any kind of conventionally-farmed meat or vegetables, you're eating Monsanto. In other words, I totally get fighting battles and having lines in the sand - but if it allows me to grow good bud on the cheap, I'm for it. Know what I mean? But if you must avoid GH altogether, there are a bunch of brands that sell PH up/down solutions. Pick the least evil and go for it. :biggrin: As far as headaches with hydro - I'm only on my third grow, but imho Hempy growing is where it's at. They've got more in common with soil than they do with things like DWC or other more "typical" hydro setups. I mix nutes every 4-5 days, water once a day, and the plants keep growing. What headaches are you speaking of or worried about?
I hear ya on the Monsanto thing. I'm no fan of them either, but for me growing herb comes down to utility and economy. I live on a fixed income (disability) so I need to grow my own because I flat-out can't afford to keep medicating with street bud of questionable lineage/strength/etc. The GH KISS method I use costs me twenty-three to thirty-one cents per gallon. Also, if you eat any kind of conventionally-farmed meat or vegetables, you're eating Monsanto. In other words, I totally get fighting battles and having lines in the sand - but if it allows me to grow good bud on the cheap, I'm for it. Know what I mean? But if you must avoid GH altogether, there are a bunch of brands that sell PH up/down solutions. Pick the least evil and go for it. :biggrin: As far as headaches with hydro - I'm only on my third grow, but imho Hempy growing is where it's at. They've got more in common with soil than they do with things like DWC or other more "typical" hydro setups. I mix nutes every 4-5 days, water once a day, and the plants keep growing. What headaches are you speaking of or worried about?
Ya I can dig it. I'll try and find something, but if not then it is what it is lol As far as headaches, that's just pH when it comes to hempy. I know what you mean as far as it being more in common with soil, I've looked into before, I've played with it on a small scale like cloning and starting seeds, that's about it.
@Gauge Steel I'll give that a try. I'm pretty sure my pH is right around 6.7-7.2 with nutes mixed been about a month since I checked. I appreciate the help from you both. I'll definitely keep you posted if I decide to go forward with it. Thanks again.
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