Mephisto Genetics Mephisto genetics customer service/feedback thread!

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lol enough with the condescending shitty posts. Yes maybe if the said there was a problem then there would be no other problem. let me say 1 more time. If they said there would be delay in shipping then there would be 0 problem. And yes. I would have still ordered if i would have known there was a delay also. And did i bitch about the amount of freebies. Nope. I love mephisto and the freebies they hook us up with. You guys looking for shit to make remarks about. I bet your the same guys who leave negative feedback on ebay if your anal itch cream is 2 days late.
lol enough with the condescending shitty posts. Yes maybe if the said there was a problem then there would be no other problem. let me say 1 more time. If they said there would be delay in shipping then there would be 0 problem. And yes. I would have still ordered if i would have known there was a delay also. And did i bitch about the amount of freebies. Nope. I love mephisto and the freebies they hook us up with. You guys looking for shit to make remarks about. I bet your the same guys who leave negative feedback on ebay if your anal itch cream is 2 days late.
They normally do issue a warning before illuminauto drops.. and my anal itch cream took an extra 4 days.. man I hate swamp ass
Hahaha 2.5 weeks after i placed an order I had enough so i posted on here trying to find out whats going on. JUST my luck. The day i post this I get the shipment confirmation same night. Sorry for ranting @mephisto . I love you guys and your gear. Only company ill ever order autos from ever again. But the 2 week wait was shitty. It just was not the normal. Usually they have the shipment confirmation next day. Hopefully they get caught up and get everything under control. Much love mephisto.
Lol same here bud same here.
lol enough with the condescending shitty posts. Yes maybe if the said there was a problem then there would be no other problem. let me say 1 more time. If they said there would be delay in shipping then there would be 0 problem. And yes. I would have still ordered if i would have known there was a delay also. And did i bitch about the amount of freebies. Nope. I love mephisto and the freebies they hook us up with. You guys looking for shit to make remarks about. I bet your the same guys who leave negative feedback on ebay if your anal itch cream is 2 days late.

:crying:, come on piles are a serious problem, lol, my 2 pence is I know Mitch would,is ,will be genuinely concerned that your not happy,it's not the way he thinks or works and any failings will be worked on ime sure :thumbsup:
I don't care that some of you are defending them, praising their freebies and genetics. The fact of the matter to me is that I placed my first two orders mid July and then at the end. A month and over 6 weeks and nothing. I never have even received a shipping notification on my second order. So, they can provide the best of the best but it doesn't mean squat to me if there is substandard communication and follow through on your product and services.
As my first experience and thus first impressions, they are not good.
I'm super happy with Mephisto. I ordered a couple weeks ago. Since the delay I added a 7 pack or sour hound. (Don't ask why) I still didn't get comfo but believed and trusted I was in good hands. Shit happens and sure enough I'll have my seeds in a couple days. Not In a rush. It's allllll good
Who needs a drink?
giphy (65).gif

I don't have a stake in this either way. With the speed of standard post services, and the myriad of circumstances surrounding online accessible germplasm vendors and online commerce in general, delivery and business has been slowed. Mephisto doesn't seem to have malicious intent, and will rectify shortcomings. Let us remember we are all human beings.
well the only thing I can say on the subject really is I kind have spoken with Mitch more than a few times and know he will get this sorted.its how Mephisto rolls,always unlike other seedbanks. and again for the cheap seats. I read a post not long ago that essentially said this.. instead of getting an actual business thatll hike the prices and all sorts of stuff they are NOT wanting to do this for US ,BUT they were trying to not do this. So we need to learn patience with a reputation like this I really dont see the worry. AND if your a grower and dont know some semblance of patience ...,well...LOL. so we ALL need to accept these thing with good prices and a bit of a delay. I too placed an order some weeks ago and nadda. I KNOW ill get my order in time. so Im not bitching and again have patience like we all need to learn. itll be alright dude. youll see.
I love how I haven't said a bad word to you in this thread, and no word at all since a page or two back (and even extended my condolences for your break-in) yet you're coming back to single me out and dig on me for some reason. Hella classy, dude.

*EDIT* This was in response to a post by @cmb330 that doesn't seem to be here anymore. If that post is gone, could an admin please nuke this too?
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