I wasn't really sure where to post this question. I know it's a customer service feedback thread, but I figured I'd get a good answer here as well. I'm wanting to get some sour crack seeds and I notice that for the super stealth shipping method, it's signature required. I don't like the idea of signature required because in this little busy body town I live in, they won't even try to deliver. They will just leave a note in my mail box to come to the post office and pick up. Being a small town, the local post office chick will be all, "hey what you got here honey?" since she'll have to go and get a particular package and pay attention and be curious as to what it is. My question is, is the standard method of shipping stealth? Is it as least as stealthy as Herbies? My follow up question, if I need to order the other method, and I don't mind paying, can I get it without the signature required? Thanks!